Wednesday, June 21, 2017

You Cannot Save People

When crazy people are in your clutches, it's near impossible to heed warnings. Nor is it to give out warnings as well.

The movie business lives in weirdo land. Too many people are too...abandoned. Or marginalized. Or mentally sick. And that's what makes art. I'm here too, so I get some of the blame.
But, there are the hypersensitive nature of our beings that we need to shed to survive. Too many Hollywood stories that end in tragedies.

I beg everyone who comes out here to steel themselves against so many of these industry moments. Painful moments worse than rejection. I'm talking connections with people that end up permanently destroyed. Betrayal, lies, excitement, phonyness, substance abuse and disappointment.

Many people out here are ridiculously attractive. Sirens song, if you ask me, waving you to the craggly rocks to get pummeled. Travel through at your own peril.
There is a sickening sense that we are not in control of ourselves or emotions. Each day manifests into a deeper darker depression or desire that can never be met.
A text I got recently to illustrate the madness:
For me telling this person I cared...
"I know you do. Relationships are hard. So fucking hard. Doesn't matter what kind they are, they still are painful and wonderful and chaos. But I know you care about me and I hope you know I care about you. I just don't know what to do w the thought of losing you. You get me through everything. Your support. Your creativity. Your amazingness. I need you."

Total horseshit. The first part was an indicator of an infatuation she couldn't have. The one that suits her needs. And will ultimately destroy the guy she's speaking of. Master manipulation without the guile. The second part tugs my ass around like an idiot. Wow, what amazing skill at pretending the normalcy. This after knowing her over 7 years. And according to other situation is a tiny window into the reality...some people marry this for decades before it became unbearable.

Guess who feel for it? Me. Guess who needs to train himself to let go quicker and stop fixing people? Me.
Yep. I've got a problem with trying to fix things.

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