Friday, June 2, 2017

Jim Carrey Defends Kathy Griffin

If I were Carrey I'd really lay low right now.
Los Angeles is pushing the trial of his ex-girlfriend Cathriona White, who he provided prescription drugs to in which she used to commit suicide. Not that his opinion isn't valid, just mis-timed with a justice system that really wants to fry him

And they will. For possibly criminal negligence and probation. You can't not feel for a person who killed themselves. Since it could be AJAX. You certainly shouldn't be suing that chemical company. Though, this is heavy duty drugs he had in his possession and it IS a criminal act to share drugs.

He is basically saying that comedians should not have a line they can't cross. Which is funny considering the politically correct police to which he defends this right were silent prior to one of their own being hassled. Jerry Seinfeld gave up at college campuses because kids are massive pussies now. Comedy doesn't work distilled. Which is his point. Though it took this to occur in order for them to speak up. It works both ways and now one is pointing fingers at the other over it. Shame on everyone.

Look, I was grossly offended by the Serbian women's volleyball team doing a slanty-eyed gesture. It's not really comedy, but it was meant to be a light-hearted jab at the Olympics being held in Japan. Okay, not for me. So, I don't see the line. And I'm actually okay with Griffin posting that photo. I just don't happen to find it funny. Others will. I'm not going to shut her down over it. Though I'd wish she quit, BECAUSE she's so unfunny. That's something else entirely.

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