Tuesday, June 13, 2017

You Belong

I am certain many of us make movies to belong. The process of production is much like an army. Being a part of something makes a massive massive difference. People would give up paychecks if they understood that. Though, it's not saying working for free, but knowing humanity needs one another to do something. Together.

Which is why when things come to an end, it does feel like a funeral. Will we ever see each other again, or work together? Paths do cross, but people, much like school, grow up and out and over. People forget or they maintain lifelong relationships. Clint Eastwood is like that.
Belonging is a HUGE thing. To feel like you matter than that what you did changed people MATTERS. For most, it becomes a job and they are the ones who are miserable. It took me a while to figure out why we make movies if it makes me miserable. It's because I came from a place where I didn't feel like I belonged. I started clubs at home to include people. Gathered the troops and went up a hill. The Little Rascals cart where we threw all our art supplies in there and made...something.  It's such a glorious feeling to be part of something. To not get recognition does hurt. I will not lie to you. Having your praises sung is a warm hug I hope everyone has one project hey worked on that provides this. I try my hardest to make sure that everyone I work with knows how much I appreciate them. Because the coldest days of those moments are when people forget what you even did.

That's on them.

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