Saturday, December 31, 2016

ALF actor Dead

Who knows what his name was...but he's gone from us too. The wee actor who played the furry Gordon Chumway racist-ly renamed by us as ALF is gone from this planet. Which, by the way, press overlooked a massive opportunity to make puns here. Too busy with bigger names. I, for one, as a half-ass journalist (hahahaha) want to get things right NOT get things first.

This damn world is losing out so much on our pop icons. Reluctant as they may have been, we loved them. Which is why we'd go see them at a convention. The Hollywood Show attracts more celebs than you realize. Where else can you get Erika Eleniak with Joyce DeWitt in same room.

Anyways...I wish the best for all you out there living your dream like ALF did. Or the guy who played ALF. Whatever his name was. Oh may have been a lady. Fuck your fact checking. Whoo hoo!

Friday, December 30, 2016

2017 Odd Years

I'm not a fan of odd years. Don't ask why. Only that...they seem like a throwaway year. Which it seems a lot of people can use as 2016 seems tonhave rocked a bunch of people.

I guess with Trump as prez, a lot of whiners are dreading the new year and hating the previous one. Kinda sandwiched into it. I feel for people who don't look forward to anything. It sucks if all you have doesn't amount to a life worth living. SO, I implore all of you to set goals. Realistic or not, something to set your sights on. Something good that will make you feel better you lived to this age. Anything. Could be pretty girl you've been wanting to ask out. Or dropping weight. Or even eating a lobster dinner at the most expensive restaurant in your town. It helps to look forward to something.
Happy 2017...good luck to you all.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Debbie Reynolds R.I.P.

See what happens when you curse this year.
I still consider them luckier than us.
A great star who endured a lot. Royalty in the entertainment sense.

What can I say...? I love Debbie Reynolds because she was a sweetie. Lovely and classy even after heartache at the abandonment of Eddie Fisher. Did she die of heartbreak? I think so. It is real. Most people will dismiss it as hoi paloi.

Just live life to the fullest. Never give up.

Cursing 2016

You assholes who are doing this...
First, it's not cool.
Second, you're next (say it in a creepy voice).

Cursing the year because deaths occurred is dumb. Because, quite honestly, I consider them the lucky ones. They don't have to worry about a ton of shit anymore. Least of all, listening to political strife and terrorism bullplop throughout our pitiful Earth.

Y'know, I use to shit on those people who whined about how we are killing ourselves. Truth is...we are. This beautiful place populated by people who want to kill each other. That's awful. Yet, we chalk it up to nature.

What is our nature if it isn't for self-preservation. You have it, I want it. Or I have it, you want it. So protect, protect, protect and fear of loss. I've experienced it. But have gotten much more philosophical. A lesson learned.

Then we just live to get on with dying.'s an "or" about you assholes stop being petty and start doing shit.  Making shit. Stop complaining and barrel forward. Cursing 2016 is the surest way to do nothing in 2017. Instead, count the ones who are still in front of you. Think of it as The Oregon Trail. Those who died of dysentery, you must move forward or more will die.

Embrace 2017 and remember 2016 as the past full of the shitpants'd dead.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Carrie Fisher R.I.P.

When she went into ICU, everyone suspected something wrong. What will we find out. I'm not sure it matters.

I will say...I never saw Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia, as many did. I saw her as a brilliant writer. I know, I'm being a contrarian to go against her most legendary role. But I was always fascinated by what she was able to fix and write. For instance, she fixed a few lines for "The Last Action Hero." To me, that is amazing. The fact that she was the offspring of two legendary Hollywood stars was also amazing. She led a short BUT amazing life.

I'm so deeply saddened by this lost. Not but a few days after George Michael passed, we hear another great one go. She is great, in my book, for enduring the garbage of this business and still going with it. If I take anything from her life, it's that we can endure in the face of the ridiculousness which is entertainment.

I'm not going to leave with any weird "Star Wars" saying that stuck to her like stink. Instead, a special thank you for having the chutzpah to tell it like it is. No matter how painful.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

The Death Of George Michael

When I found out he was gay, it wasn't that shocking. When I heard today...on Christmas, that he died...that one hurt. With Prince earlier this year,  Carrie Fisher in hospital and this...we're losing a lot of my generation's pop history.

I would say George Michael made a bigger impact than the others mentioned. Because David Fincher directed a style bending music video of "Freedom 90" A song that I've done as a karaoke staple.

I'm certain a lot of guys aren't going to mourn the death of a homosexual man. That's fine. Most young people won't even know who he is since he stopped making waves in culture. I would say he would be on the Mt.Vernon of 80's style.

Herbie Doesn't Like To Make Toys

Rankin/ Bass's "Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer" is pretty amazing. Anti-conformity and vanity message abound. These assholes assumed the Bumble wanted to kill them. In reality, he just had a tooth ache. Rudolph's shiny nose had a purpose after being mocked.
What can you take away from this holiday movie? Let's not be too hasty with people.

You think there's any Islamic movies that express the same? Maybe...please point me out to them. I'd like a crash course in religion.

I think the major lesson above all is, it's okay to be a misfit toy, you will find a purpose. Hopefully the purpose isn't to blow yourself up. I think most people forget that...even though you are a mis-matched toy, you have to discover the good in which you can do the community.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Jolly Soaring XMas, Guv'nor

The middle aged management guy shuffled into the dark room where I was doing a project. We chit chatted until the topic came up as to where he'd gone for the last two weeks. I noticed his absence simply because he is annoying when he is around. His return did have a slight change in his demeanor. Though small, something was different.

He shared with me the story of his father-in-law who was out riding his bicycle in a New York suburb when a car ran a light. In which it was too late for him to stop. He hit the car, and went head first into the pavement. Died instantly.
Tragic. And I sat there in shock. A death never sat well with me.
Though shocking it wasn't until I gathered all the details to observe to the casual nature of how he told the story. It was matter-of-fact. And...well... facts. He seemed not necessarily moved by the accident, but convincing himself this is what a man does to show strength. It wasn't just the nervous nature of the tale that hit me immediately, it was also the follow up. He went on to tell me how he has a terrible relationship with his own father. What seems like a hard mean self-centered guy who could care less he had a son. This upbringing conditions man to show no sympathy and have no empathy. That isn't human.

Father and son dynamics are fascinating. My Dad was the coolest. As you probably read. People who met him instantly liked him. The calmness of Buddhist. His own father was a stern unfriendly guy. Business man who failed a lot and let his frustration absorb my aunts and uncles. My Dad grew up fast but never without a happy-go-lucky philosopher. It frustrates my Mom, since she is a high-strung harpie like me.

What I'm getting at is aren't tough if you can tell a tragic story without breaking down. We aren't trying to be robots who can't compute in our cores something awful to another living being doesn't effect us. I've now seen it more times than not, the silence of which men cannot express grief. And, well...that window has now closed. I'm not saying we are weak sad snowflakes that bitch and whine about tragedy. I'm saying allow yourself to be human for a split second. Perhaps that's what this dude at work was trying.

I feel we should learn to take the flaws of being thinking feeling beings. Instead of feeling as if that is wrong. Different times.

Friday, December 23, 2016

A Time Of Giving

"Hey man, you got a cigarette?" the bum sat in the alley, without shoes calling out to me. Dirty shirt. The sky looked like it was going to rain.

"I don't smoke" I spat out at him. I don't.

As I stopped off at the 7-11 to get my fried chicken wings. A twinge of something hit me.

"A pack of Marlboro mediums" I asked the attendant.

"Mediums?" she shrugged. And got a pack of Marlboros for me. It'd been so long, what I got weren't the brand I use to smoke many years ago. But whatever.

I walked back to my office. And passed the homeless man again. I handed him a pack of cigarettes. The look on his face was priceless. Like Natalie Wood when she found out there IS a Santa Claus. He was very thankful and I went on my way. What a great feeling.

Should I have bought him food? Or given him my chicken wings.

I think around this time, it's not giving people what they need, but it's giving them what they want.

Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Terrorism At Christmas

A Russian Ambassador was gunned down.
A truck runs into a crowd of Christmas revelers and shoppers in Berlin.

You know what kept these animals at bay.

Movies with Chuck Norris and Ah-nold. And to a lesser extent, Van-Damme.

See, we're all not as bright as you think we are. So the invention of the internet sort of caused us to have more power than we think we have. I know no one reads my shit, but it's fun to post these rants. But, should anyone take me seriously, I've no recourse only to dumb are you?

That said, terrorists are now using the same thing we use to watch porn, to recruit monsters. Monsters have no moral compass. So they rely on people to tell them to do things. Mental things. Things society would never consider. Unless, they are mentally ill and think these political anger angle works. Which is seems to do. Obama needs to stop with the repetitive forgive and forget. Because he's seriously looking like the biggest idiot on the planet.

Good will and all that doesn't work. In this world. Instead, this opens the flood gate to worse. And that's just really stupid. How many times do we need to go down this tragic well before it is finally acknowledged that certain people in this world are out to murder all of us.

Fuckin sad times during holidays.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Charlie Brown's Xmas

I'm watching this on a loop. Not sure why...only that it's pretty fuckin awesome, even as background noise.

I've seen it plenty of times, but somehow this year seemed much more poignant. Sad sack Vince Guaraldi music is classic. And makes shit feel better. THAT I can't explain. No one ever mentions that decades later this has been linked to Christmas. As much as the Anglo Xmas tunes. That's an accomplishment, considering most Xmas music is too modern. At least Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas" sounded like vintage Motown.

If you're my age, you tend to miss those Christmas specials with Kenny Rogers in some studio built log cabin singing his favorite Christmas songs.

Guaraldi most likely doesn't get the recogniton as you can't carol them without sounding like children. I miss carol'ers.

Boy, did I grow up in an idyllic world.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Merry Xmas Assholes

I hope you all get to see your family this holiday season. Warmest wishes to you all, and I pray for happiness and world peace.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

No One Owes You Anything..

...and you're not required to do anything either.

I think once you get locked in with family and kids, all these sentiments get tossed away. Pride means nothing. Which is why, if you decide to get into movie business, the creative side, you have to come to terms with the may end up lonely and at the mercy of those who keep you afloat in this town.
Is it possible to juggle both? Yes. However, there is always a shakeup and uncertainty that you have to be okay with. The older you are, the less you may feel okay with. I work with 60 year old dudes who are cranky because of uncertainty.  In post production, which is suppose to be certain. They've grown tired and weary and tossed around to end up in something a little more secure. I'm in my 40's and end up here.
It's probably the same in most professions. Office politics constantly dictate the mood. Though, when you put together washed-up former dreamers, the results can be disastrous.

Let's be honest here, we're all desperately trying to get by with more happiet days than sad. Damage control or panic stabs us deep into that core of the happiet days. People may get married and have kids assuming to have better days away from the ones at work. Entirely possible. But, I think the odds tend to be that you tack on more stress.

I have a co-worker who is the complete opposite though. He'd got two kids and a wife and a house, same age as me, and I've not seen him worry much. Even though he's got money issues and job dissatisfaction. Maybe he just doesn't speak of it openly. Which, I guess wouldn't be all that professional. He goes with the flow.

But, the band still played on the deck of the Titanic. So....what can you do.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Alan Thicke R.I.P.

Fuck dude. Mr. Seaver died.
Don't know who he was?
Fuck you, dummies.
This guy (when not being a Canadian cornball) bang more young ass than a swinging door at a whorehouse. He nailed Heather Graham in her prime. Know that hot piece of ass on "Growing Pains" Joanna Kerns??..fuuuuck...she was too old for him.

Guy made a huge living being a sitcom actor and a singer. All while being...decent. aside from young ass, he was...normal. Not a surpriae from Canada, but damn....what a bummer. And here I am staring at my season 7 of "Growing Pains" dvd.

So unfair.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Why Do People Hate Jesus

The cool kids don't like Jesus Christ. As Christian teens desperately spread "The Word" through rock music or rap...forget it Jesus is square. But once a year...we do seem to dig Jesus...hos birthday.

Anyway, what bugs me is if any Jesus freak declared war on any other religion, people would be against that shit. Shut that fucker down. In fact may would blame Bible thumping weirdos. When, say the San Bernardino shooter claims Muslim, it's not cool to claim Islam is for shit.

All religion to me is shit. But if your religion is dopey, you don't get a pass. Keen on Jesus is lame. Keen on Allah is badass. I mean, in terms of the nerdiness of followers. We got Kirk Cameron, they got sweaty jewelry wearing Drakkar noir scented zealots. That's sexy..bahaha.

Jesus is cool with me.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Something Is Off

I was at the movies today and felt like I was about to have a stroke. The right side of my face went numb, my head rushed and I nearly vomited on myself. Not sure how I remained upright. But I'm worn out and tired. Know what the problem is? I sure don't. But something's not right. Doctor don't know what's wrong. I don't have the correct emotions. And I feel constant pain. And light headed. Ugh.

That is the state of health care folks. If they don't have to nag them. I am still unsure why..but it stems from the neck and sinuses. Though tests showed nothing wrong. I considered thyroid. Nope. And now I'm forcing a film shoot. The thought makes me ill. Bah. Though I can't imagine my co-worker in his 60's suffering a hernia and requiring surgery. No one cares if you're younger than 50.

Silently suffering!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Strange Twist Of Fate

In an odd that use to oversee me is under me. To be specific, a young manager who treats people douchey and is a company snitch is now shadowing me, in hopes of staying employed.

Times are rough for dailies. Essentially, it's a arms race. Each company attempts to underbid each other for the job. What ends up happening is that numbers don't add up. A deficit occurs and people STILL go broke. Promise of loyalty is different from loyalty. That said....a few things about being a mensch. A word I learned from my favorite movie of all time. Being a human means doing the right thing for others. Which is good for your soul. I decided after he is trained up, that I would take the night shift. Why the dreaded night shift? Because he has a wife and kid. Am I a martyr? Nope. Or a company man? Possibly. What it is...really, even though this dude annoyed the fuck out of me as management? Because it's the only way I know I'm human.

See, Hollywood is a town of animals. Cutthroat and sick. People believe you have to be in the mud to survive. Fuck that. You have to give light to those who live in darkness. Not in no biblical sense, only that without reward, I can still do a good thing. The remaining manager thinks me a boneheaded for doing something kind for someone who is not a kind person. To me, this doesn't change the dynamic, but maybe shows him not everyone in this world is despicable. Shakespearean in that sense.

We need to help each other survive this shit world. It's really hard already. We can't fight each other AND the grim hand of nature. Perhaps I am naive. But...if it meant doing something good for someone, it is its own reward.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Oakland Fire

The warehouse known as "The Ghost Ship" housed artists and...well...squatters. On that night, a rave was on the second floor. When the fire seemed the only way out was the first floor. 33 confirmed far.

At first I thought "Good...filthy hippies." Then it occurred to me..the bay area is super expensive. These people had to live stacked because these fucking asshole landlords have jacked prices so high, it's not only poor people who live like this anymore. California...which one are you? They vote liberal but we're fighting money grubbing jerks. Which one is it? Can we be honest with ourselves?  For honest that Oakland doesn't welcome poor artist. JUST BE FUCKING HONEST. You don-t want artists in that town. Don't pretend you're progressive. You risk more idiots thinking California will help you.

Let me help some of you thinking about coming to Cali..."fuck off (unless you're already rich)"

Dakota Access Pipeline

Indians and water well wishers are blocking an oil pipeline that is at the edge of rolling through their land. The contracts are signed and work is being done. And some oddball Hollywood movie.

You know what bugs me most about this? The concept that America will never fix the injustice of the indigenous people but...we all refuse to live less in regards to doing our part. What is the solution now? Leave and go back to our respective country leaving it all to Native Americans? Would that make them happy? Of course not. Seriously guys, as cynical as I am of the powers that be, we are still reaping the rewards of genocide. To're all a bunch of fucking hypocrites. There is no way these sekf important folk would give up comforts. I mean, give them up forever. Nope...fuck that. You're scum like the rest of America regardless of you camping to stop oil piping.

What is the solution? Profit from it. Which is what this is about. Payoffs. And then what? Indian casinos and booze did worse damage than small pox blankets. And here we are again...the victors attempting to placate the dominated people. There's a reason for the loss. Are these really the people who know better? 

Black Santa

Does it really fucking matter? People are losing their damn minds over an imaginary guy. If your kids are bummed their Santa is Black, I would think you have bigger problems in life. Such as...who has the time to think of these things besides dummies?

"How do I explain why the Santa is Black?" How about the same way you would the drunk White one. "Santa can't be everwhere, dummy. Specifically, White Santa is too scared to stop off on Lenox Avenue." You figure it out based on how little you think of your kid.
Black Jesus? No one...and I mean NO ONE follows Jesus as the Black community. He SHOULD be Black. Black Jew like Yaphett Kotto or Sammy Davis Jr. Because that's uber-rare. And Jesus should be different and unique.

America Is Racist

When Trump won the election the Black population wasn't surprised. There was a "Saturday Night Live" skit that had Dave Chapelle and Chris Rock laugh at their white friends. As if America could ever change their racist mind. This is stupid beyond belief. America isn't racist. LIFE is racist. AMERICA is the only place that would listen to the whining. Because that is really the only population that realizes the hypocrisy of the imbalances. No other nation has taken this amount of effort in righting a wrong. Consider that...slaves made the pyramids. Don't you think this building base on turmoil and pain be destroyed as s reminder to the ancestors of those who suffered? Nope. I mean imagine if we set up gift shops at slave plantations and marveled at the fields. If anyone who should feel would be the Egyptians. Instead, America is saddled with guilt. So, these idiots from within constantly remind us we're oppressed people.
America is sick of being the escape goat. And the people who are politically fatigued did something about it. Even if it meant Trump. It meant telling you oversensitive is going to get rough, so toughen up.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Britney Spears Birthday

Britney turned 35 years old. Aside from the fact that she is of U.S. presidential age, it also marks the 18th year since I was at A Band Apart (now disbanded) as a production assist on the "Sometimes" video. In 1999 there were some badass directors. Nigel Dick directed a a few of them. Now hidden away in some corner of Hollywood. He's a really cool dude. Nice guy who didn't speak down to us minions even though he was pretty much a rock star.

Call me a fag, I actually like Britney's earlier bubblegum shit. It makes me feel good. It's been a while since I listened to it, but I just spun through that whole album recently. Man...what a doll. People may criticize her shit, but it was somehow...different. Corny as the lyrics and music may be, it reminded me of time when I had huge dreams of wanting to direct music vids. But I was poor and not connected to a band. And I wa stuck in older blues and rock. The guys who made those vids hung out like rock stars. Britney...what can I tell you, except she gave you a boner. Not just because she had a sweet innocent look for debauchin' but because she seemed to not know that my cock...I mean...a cock could do damage to her. Male fantasy, without knowledge seems to amp that shit up. She was before the planes hitting the World Trade. ..if that gives you an idea of where we were. That pop doesn't fly today. Not are we happy and much more cynical.

I think a feminist would be confused at her now. Say, if she were just introduced in 2016. You know you couldn't blast her for her sexuality. But, since the new world is much more raw, she wouls be too tame for even girls today.

Britney...was the last of that sweet southern pecker perker. Girls now have too many tattoos and super angry. Which...maybe it will cycle around again. This resurgence of sex kitten or boy band will come again, history insists on it. By then, perhaps it will be interactive. I miss those days of...just having...a defined goal.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

"The Port" & Editing Film

I shot some really expired film over the weekend and cut it together with music.
There's a moment, I think, with most/all filmmakers that just need to step back and let the project breathe. This is something that was first conceived to have voiceover. A Bukowski type tough guy patois. This is NOT that movie. The footage guided what it was. A quiet passing of an item between one man to another. In fact, I wrote some corny voice over narration, check it out, before I had the footage:

A rotten apple hangs from a tree.
I once knew a man who would whistle all the time.
MAN 1 (JAMES) sits on the patio reading a book.
At first I thought he did it to fill dead air.
MAN 1 (JAMES) walks on an empty beach.
Turns out it was to stop himself from saying the things he really wanted to say to people...
MAN 1 (JAMES) walks as waves crash behind him.
NARRATOR (MALE, V.O.) tell them what he really thought of them.
Palm trees. We settle on a MAN 2 (VINCE) walking across a footbridge with a book in hand. He opens the cover, starts reading.
Man 3 (JIMMY) sits on a bench at the edge of the pier.
...imagine going through life with a tune stuck in your head. All the while knowing what it really means...
Man 2 (VINCE) sits next to Man 3 (JIMMY), hands off book.
...unable to communicate with people while hiding disappointment...
Man 3 (JIMMY) gets up and walks off, leaving Man 2 (VINCE) on the bench.
The waves break violently. Two plastic lawn chairs are out. Man 1 (JAMES) sits in one.
Man 2 (JIMMY) saunters up, sits in the empty one. He hands the book over to Man 1 (JAMES). Man 1 gets up, exits.
MAN 1 (JAMES) sits on the patio reading the book. We creep in. Inching closer. And closer still. Man 2 (VINCE) steps from sliding door.
The book sits on mossy rocks, pages turn in the wind.
...perhaps one day he will find a way to express his thoughts.

Yeah, on the nose and stupid. Sometimes, you have to let the movie tell you what it wants to be. Sometimes it requires so little.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Burning The American Flag

Most people know not what they burn.
I wasn't born here, so I understand what it meant to find the stars and stripes. And what it meant for my family. Not to get corny, but I think I appreciate it a lot more, because it gave so us a life in comfort. Dumb comfort. So when people burn the flag, because they didn't get their is insulting. Though, protected under the Constitution, it still irks me. And should irk true Americans.

It's more strange that Americans, I mean born here, don't hold the American flag in that reverence it deserves. We mouth the words of our anthem and take a knee to prove our dissidence to the rules that have turned on us. I think the whole issue of the revolution against England wasn't meant for people to now turn on their own. We've spent way too much time fighting among ourselves already. There is no more unity.

So it sickens me when people burn the American flag. Since it means something to me, but a cloth to someone else. Trump says people should be fined or serve jail time for it. A sticky wicket to navigate. Since we should already feel obligated NOT to. Which, when theses idiots who do, complain about government intervention or more rules to govern us, it's because of stupidity like this.

Burn your bra instead. Love me some floppers.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Fidel Castro Dead At 90

I know what you're all thinking "what does this clown know about Castro?"
To that I say "motherfucker...yeeeeer right!"
Most people think it's that retard on hipster t-shirt (that's Che Guevara, retard!)
It's bizarre this dude outlived most of his contemporaries, despite being somewhat of a benevolent leader. No one, besides the U.S. attempted to de-throne him (I think that's the right term) yet, he still lives. Oh well.

Today he dies. So give thanks, I guess, to the threat that never was. I mean, if you think a country the size of Ohio was the launching point of Russia, you either think Russia is that crafty or people in that era were really dumb. Must be the same attitude we have now with Middle Easterners. I suppose some people still hate Castro.

Know what I think?...get ready for Cuba to become Vegas 2.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Florence Henderson

Florence Henderson was born in 1934 and died on Thanksgiving 2016.
I remember the pilot episode of "The Brady Bunch" with her miniskirt and bobbed young Mom hair. Boy...did I want her to be my mom. I mean...except that would be weird. I'm not going to write about what she meant to me based on the show, but rather people's relationship with death and God. My friend from college Chris, is a devout Christian. I recall he and all going to backyard keg parties whooping it up. Many a night he would step in to male sure I didn't get my zit face punched in, little did I know, he was more Boy Scout than first realized. He's got a great familu now with a sweet wife. I recall I met her during those college years, and she disapproved of me since I smoked, drank and raised Hell. She had bigger plans for Chris. He willingly accepted. He found God and knows not to press my heathen ass about it. Same with my sister. She's not overt about it. But silently attends church. She isn't the type to judge you because of it. Born-agains would. She just likes that religion brought her structure. Maybe semblance of order.

I guess if we can conjure up the idea of God, then one surely must exist. Most would likely believe we do so to sidestep grief our brains can't handle. Tragedy as to why 5 year olds would die on a bus can be explained.

Sorry for the grim entry. A part of my childhood gets logged away. Younger generation will discover Florence Henderson and the joy she brought was a life worth living. Bring joy to others.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Public School History

Pilgrims landed on this day...and then drowned witches. A turkey was brought out to celebrate dead witches. And they invited their brown friends because they like corn.

Afterwards, to work out the pinecone they just attempted to swallow they played games while family and friends drank some magic New World fermented leaf drank, which made them puke. Fun is fun. Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

White Privilege...Was REVOLKED!

The Democrats really don't want to own up to the fact that Hillary Clinton is a scumbag. The newest is that White folk voted for Trump because they didn't want to lose White privilege.
It's not farfetched, but certainly reaching. I think most people who did vote for Trump really hated Hillary. She's just not a nice person. Neither is Trump, so you really have to realize what a true scumbag they see Clinton. Also, they didn't want Bill anywhere near the Oval office again Why? Maybe because the people who think that Bill was such a great Prez also hate him on a personal level. I'm not saying it's right to vote on emotion alone, but let's face it, on a primal level, we may just hate a playa' player. So, the fact that making Bill suffer through his wife (most likely soon-to-be-ex) will harangue him ad nauseum.

Realistically, you get the feeling even Bill didn't want her to win?

Anyhooters, I think it's funny, all the White privilege talk going around. I have a White friend who lives in a van. If there were privilege being handed out from Whitey to Whitey...I'd like to know so I can pass along that information to him.

I will say, after a few years of living and working in Whitey's world, it's really not that horrid. Though, I am not Mexican or Black, my Dad said I can pass as Puerto Rican, perhaps I don't get that chip that Officer Pig is looking out for me. I think what most people are alluding to, is that White privilege was at the precipice of finally evening the field. And that scared people into the extreme. To me, it seems our society naturally gravitates towards certain things we can't explain. I mean, I have darker skin than my sisters, so I am considered less "desirable." Does it bother me? Meh. I get along fine. But it's not an American slave mentality that puts it in people's minds. And it's not going to change just because you say so.

I am, however, astonished how much effort some of my White friends put forth to distance themselves from this new regime. It cracks me up, because I know they are more serious than I could ever be.

The Chattanooga Bus Accident

If you've ever watched a horror movie, nothing would add up to this. A bus carrying a load of kids kid a utility pole and split in half. 5 children were killed instantly. The driver was arrested.

In this movie scenario, the parents would take pitchfork and gasoline and dole out the justice. Revenge.

However, we live in times where the grieving pain of those parents who had so many plans for the holiday, has been literally snuffed out. If you value any life at all, this is painful even to a heartless stone cold shitbag like me.

I can't imagine the fear children have at the age where they can't add up the tragedy that has struck the other 32 that survive. Do you tell them later on, that their survival was an act of God? Then how do you explain the others that didn't make it out? Do you treat your kids now with a softer touch, as they have cheated death, and if you are superstitious perhaps later in life death peers out again?

I have no idea. Only that in this time of thanks, there are parents now's unimaginable the pain and grief they will have to endure. The lights are out, meals canceled. And real pain begins. Damn... is hard.

Monday, November 21, 2016

A Raise company gave me a raise.
Sort of.
It was a survey they did to determine how much I SHOULD be getting paid. Turns out it was 30% less than what the job called for. All things considered, how in God's name did they know what a job like mine required. I would say there are less than 100 people who do my job. So, I'm guessing that they just went for the next step or something.

Trust me, I'm very grateful for the bump. And now has really picked up, so very happy to actually be working rather than sitting around. Though, this means a lot of my own projects get put onto the back burner. SUCKS! Isn't that always the case, you get a little peek into having a real life, then it gets taken away.

Well, a bit of weight has been taken from me. So I'll just wake up a little happier instead of dread.

Opinions Without Experience

There is no right way to make a movie. There is....but most of us can't afford it. So, we do with what we can. That said...make a fucking movie in the "real world" before you offer an opinion. Jesus Christ my biggest pet peeve are people who chime in about how disorganized something is...who have never themselves put their opinions to the test. Why? Cowards. Not scared that they can't make a movie, a dumb chimp can flip a switch...I'm saying it's paralyzing if you know too much or too little.

Not to blow smoke up my own skirt, but I am flexible, a disorganized film is thinking beyond the box. Most people will never have this because they don't have experience. Experienced people fly along knowing what style production is being ran. There is that idealized run set that is rare. Somewhat non-existent, so you better have exlerience to br flexible.

I prefer the people who know less but have ambition. It's always a tenative hold on sets. Painfully chaotic at times to try to get focus. Too many idiots throw in opinion when it looks like derailed project then gloat in hindsight. Hey fuckface, put yourself in the ring at this level and see if you can do it. Otherwise, shut your fucking face. Academia has fucked with EVERYONE. Because it's a safe haven. Want a dolly shot? No problem. Want a 2K par can? Sure, just fill out a form. Camera lenses, props, soundstage...I NEVER had an issue. In the "real world" calls are rarely returned and you constantly beg for the smallest scraps. Only other real filmmakers know this. The rest are posers. Also. .the people who know too little...the issue is their eyes are bigger than their stomach. Meaning their minds work from a viewpoint of what they see. Can we go from top of trees and follow character into house. You got crane money? Can we smoothly travel with character from the field to the barn? I guess there's a discount on stradicam operators.

These are limitations newbies wouldn't see. And why should they? They have a vision. And I don't blame them in the least, but it does cause some to abandon all hope. I mean, some.

The more experienced people on set such, write for what we have and can do. Sometimes that yields boring results, but I'm doing it, you're not. Put your shit into the fire and let's see how you do.

I'm just sick and tired of armchair film student mentality. If you're going to have an opinion about how another set is run, you better know how to do these things yourself. Otherwise, you're just another goldfish burping out bubbles.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

"Star Wars" DeeeeeLuxe Edition

People are griping about the same machine that created their childhood. You guys miss the point. The true concept of this franchise is so that YOUR kid's kid gets to be annoyed by it. You understand the phenomenon isn't the movie, it's the rabid elation of an event. Which is tied into memories. Nostalgia is a powerful thing. Especially in this darker world we're in. Not because of Trump, but very little is taken pride of these days. I honestly believe we willed "Star Wars: Force Awakens" to success as it was the last time anything was American conceived (shot in England though).

Also, I don't have that big a gripe on Disney. They are still in America. So...thanks and may the know.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Who The F Is Mike Pence?

First off, he's listed as "Mike" instead of "Michael" That's pretty fucking rad.
Second, who the F is Joe Biden?
Vice Presidents seem to be useless. So, I won't get too much into that.
For liberals, damn dude...this guy seems to be Satan warmed over. Or so they think. It was a comedy bit by Dave Chappelle. Saying if he ever won presidency, he'd elect a Mexican VP. They wouldn't dream of assassinating him knowing who would follow.

It sounds like he's a real asshole though. Fine tuning who can get abortions. By the way, who the fuck cares? I will NEVER understand this one. A woman can do whatever they want with their bodies. Fact. It's hilarious old White dudes even chime in on it. Maybe this country is more Christian than we realize. Or maybe you realized and I'm just catching up.

Abortions isn't murder. I can't fucking remember shit when I was three years old. You think a fetus knows anything? Go fuck yourselves. You think this leads to more reckless behavior? Hate to break it to you, but this new generation aren't like our generation. They don't accept rejection as easily. So they aren't in THAT big of a hurry to bone. Teens are less...animalistic as we were, since all we had were shitty smut magazines found in the woods somewhere. Kids today grow up with porn. So when a teen guy sees a snatch now...yawwwwnnnn!

So back off, Pence.
And for you Trump haters, be careful what's behind him seems pretty bad.


There's a movie coming out this December about the First Lady of the only president to be assassinated in the present, media crazy era.

I never understood the thing around John Kennedy. Mostly because I'm a player hater and he got more tail than a toilet seat. More than anything he had Marilyn Monroe killed. Or the mob did. To embarrass him. Either way, he treated women like shit. And yet...we hold Trump in contempt and Kennedy as the second coming of Christ. Including this movie, which shows the immediate aftermath of a terrible event.

Had Kennedy lived, I doubt he'd be given the hero's send off. He wasn't exactly "of the people." Having grown up with a bootlegger fortune background, and turning on the people who put him there. Or rather, how much he may have resented the Joseph Kennedy gangsta' shit. Can you imagine the level of greaseball shit you have to have to take an American president out?

Anyway, I'm going to go see this movie, because it was shot in 16mm film. That's fucking badass. The matches footage culled from the past. I like that. I like they want authenticity and they aren't willing to compromise for convenience. I also like that foreign people are making this movie. I like perspective of our history told through the eyes of people discovering it. Made more sense by the fact that we are saturated with so many conspiracies. Though, I don't think this is about that.

Here, take a look at the trailer...real artsy fartsy:

White Privilege

I think if you ask any brown or black person if White privilege exists in America...oh boy! I know it does as I saw it first hand. For the most part rich Whitey isn't afraid of you. They want you to do better and get money and feel better about you don't rob them. Simple.
I grew up with rich Whitey. Man, was I jealous. They had fancier cars, nicer clothes, great vacations. Meanwhile, I sat in my folk's leaky basement. I remember our neighbors across the street had the only pool in the neighborhood. I went swimming there a few times. Then never heard from again. The family was from Kentucky. Not sure if it were a race thing, since I still hung out with their son, but it felt like it. A White person in this situation would most likely shrug off the slight. I didn't even recognize as a kid until my oldest sister brougbt it up. She's experienced worst as she was older to know better. Imagine a Black fellow who experiences these little things for years.

I've been pulled over for real issues. Most likely Blacks just because they have a nice car or are in a nice neighborhood. It doesn't help that some of these folks thump music drawing this type of attention unnecesarily. Yeah...not all, but you know that's the case.

Does White privilege get you the job? I'm not sure. I have a friend now whom I spent a few months working with only to have management not call him back. Meanwhile, he's waiting by the phone with a very sick wife and he's near broke. Do you think he feels that privilege?

Look, I'm sure a lot of this "privilege" isn't made up to excuse why you haven't gone further in life. Or just fucking lazy. There are times that I do feel some White folk get a break. But I can't use that as an excuse as to why I haven't done more. I argue with this Filipino dude at work about it. He believes America systemically oppresses brown people. And won't change. Though he's been able to buy a house and raise a mixed-race family. I consider that the major issue. Not knowing what you are capable of but worrying what others take from you.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Ashley Graham

Mattel created a plus sized Barbie.
You know...women are their worst enemies. I've heard more women fat shame than men. It's really insidious too because it's well meaning "that looks REALLY good on you!' As oppose to....? (a hippo).

So in order to combat this...what is it now? Fat Cheering?

I will tell you now...not a single man would turn down a roll with Ashley Graham. Fact. Except gays. Every dude I know don't have these choices. We take pussy where pussy is available. Trump's celebrity pussy grab is an illusion we hope to get to one day. Not to sidetrack here, but a lot of dating experts will's a numbers game. Grab enough pussies...get smacked a will eventually respond postively and that's your life mate. Though, good luck on those conjugal visits.
I digress.
Enjoy the new plus sized Barbies, you cry babies. I don't think my niece looks at her Barbies as an aspiration. If you think about the dolls are simply a canvas to which to expand on, her creativity seems to...ahem...trump the body dysmorphic concern.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Oh West Virginia...

...You never disappoint...

"Clay County Development Corp. director Pamela Ramsey Taylor made the post following Republican Donald Trump's election as president, saying: "It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I'm tired of seeing a Ape in heels."

Clay Mayor Beverly Whaling responded: "Just made my day Pam."
Taylor told WCHS-TV on Monday night that she was put on leave.
Clay's town council planned to discuss the issue at a previously scheduled meeting Tuesday evening."

Do you get the feeling this was written in some country club somewhere while poking at a endive salad? I can only assume, they're not that removed from being the byproduct of the inbred south. BUT...big but...I'm sure this is how women speak to each other when no one is looking. Most likely, proving much worse. And probably about my small pecker. Bitches.

Anyway, let's not write things we regret later. I don't regret nothing I wrote here. Since no one gives a flying fuck what I think. Maybe if you get to the ranks of behooves you to act know classy ladies, instead of plantation owning cunts.

Incidentally, Melania Trump isn't exactly...proper. She's a former jiggle model, most likely taken a few to the throat to win pageants. From some Eastern block shit-show country. Gold digging her way to class all the way.

If you think that (ahem) trumps Ivy League'd educated Michelle Obama, man...I feel terrible for you city/state/banana republic.

Super Moon!

Why in God's name are we celebrating something that big closing in on Earth? Are we that unaware that it's a matter of time before it flings out of orbit and we're in pitch darkness? That's cool though because we wouldn't really comprehend since we'd be flung towards Venus. I'm no scientist, so don't quote me.

The moon is great though. I use to look up at it thinking it was a star and wish the worst on my enemies. Tnough I had none since I was just a dumb kid. But I'd also wish I could see some tits. I really loved being that retarded.

So, we've had a solid relationship. My ex-girlfriend was huge into astrology, as most dumb chicks are. Her faith in those things drove me crazy. Because everything was as a result of shit she saw in the sky. Or foretold in fire. Nothing based in science. We were a great couple like that. Mamby jahamby as I use to call it. I guess I still do.

Cut THE Shit

Trump is a bully. No doubt. But let's not pretend we're any better...because we've slowly edged our prez into being our pal and buddy. Who wouldn't want a blowjob in the Oval Office?

So this garbage post election about Trump making fun of retards or whatever, is moot. You are implying Presidents should be held in higher regards and standards. Like when this president championed a punk kid for his briefcase bomb, and then this filthy animal turned around and sued. Smooth move...."friend."

Much more hypocritcal are the dummies who spent time in college in a frat or sorority and now defend "the little people" as if this cause was some noble one. were the exclusive people.

Anyway, let's cut the shit with painting Trump to being the garbage human he is. People knew that and still decided this garbage was less offensive then the other one. Which, the memes you should be posting are the ones which show Hillary in complete shock she lost to a guy who uses hair dye desinged by Ronald McDonald.

Also...this scrutiny with whom he chooses his advisors and shit. I doubt any American knows how that works. Though, Trump isn't known for surrounding himself with no-men. His biggest asset really is his daughter Ivanka. She is pretty damn smart despite her good looks. She seems to be a steady ship too. With nary an ounce of political aspiration. Though, it would be interesting is she ran later in life first father/daughter and perhaps woman as prez. Interesting times.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Okay...Now I Really Feel Bad For White Folk

In the wake of a Trump presidential victory, which I still can't believe I'm White friends are desperately attempting to disassociate themselves from the other White ones who are...a little rougher when it comes to making America White again. That suuuuuucks. Because the thing is...these are the same people who adamantly defend Muslims against having to speak up against the militant ones. That's why America rules. And folks, why White Americans should be seen as cool. The reason being that White America will risk losing friends and family to stand by the conviction of the American spirit. Not exclusively, as there are Hispanic and Blacks in military that defend our ability to do these things. I feel White America gets a bad rap even though they scream how much they disapprove of the "White Wash" rule.

It says to me...everyone is much more kind hearted than the dude taking over would have you believe. Or whom you assume is a bigot. If you've never had a prejudicial thought in your head, I'd know you were full of shit.

Enjoy the next 4 years and do your best to not stress where stress isn't needed. My own health suffers these days because of it. I know people are trying to be pre-emptive, but most of us are trying to move along.
Remember..we're the UNITED Fucking States. No one fucks with us and gets away with it.
(Unless you have something we want, preferably your hot women and oil).

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Koepernick Got Trump Elected

How come no one has blamed this puff haired weirdo for getting the Orange one the presidency? Yes people...because of this knucklehead spitting on 'Morica...most people sent a message to him that the new America won't include a kneeling douchebag. Also he sucks on the field. So there you go. If he dominated the NFL all would be forgiven.

Anyway, America is pretty badass already
 Also...the clowns who told Trump voters that he duped his supporters? Are you fucking kidding me? You should be dropping to your knees and crying for joy that the government doesn't work that erratically. As you should have known. Now is the tine to shut your traps and get shit done. He could be "Dave" A political outsider whose ignorance causes him to repair the bloat that is Washington. But what do I know

Friday, November 11, 2016

The Protesters

Apparently Hillary Clinton broke down and cried. I mean, wouldn't you? You lost to the class clown bully. Nothing she could possibly do made her any more likable. Which was strange how she jumped the sure-bet winner of Bernie.

But I dunno. Maybe Trump would've won no matter who it was. People saw 8 years go stagnant and maybe wanted to shake shit up. He didn't win the popular vote, but he won the electoral. Which means that each state counts much more than...say...the larger populated ones. Seems to be contradictory, until you realize the fly-over states are the ones who've weighed the same as..say...New York or California. You add enough of those states up, well, you shouldn't have flown over so fast.

Well, now there's a lot of Trump's plate. A lot of crazy promises. Maybe he was being blow-hardy. Seems this is the only time in history where people may NOT want him to follow through with his promises.

As for the protesters. They're young and idealistic. Dumb really. Have any of them done jury, you know some shit in life is REALLY unfair. I mean...TERRIBLY unfair. O.J. was freed, you assholes. So don't march in the street disrupting traffic (my massive pet peeve). You guys are just pissing more people off and sending a zero to message to no one that will listen to you. Here's the logic you have to face, IF you feel the system has failed you, why would you expect the system to fix it?

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How Do I Explain To My Kids...

..this scenario seems to be coming up a lot.
I was talking to my neighbor one day, and he's a insane right wing jerk who hates everyone. Like me.  Except for the right wing thing. Anyway, he told me how much he HATED Ronald Reagan. Yes, the actor...I mean President Of The United States. Back then Ronnie was hated by his own party apparently. I didn't know shit about that, since I was under the double digit mark in age. All I knew...the great times. Playing baseball without a care in the world. Drinking water from the garden hose. Going to the community pool. Night Ranger. Banana boards and Susannah Hoffs.
All we saw was a dude who looked like Big Boy and shook a lot when he talked. Gave me the impression we were alright.

I'm not sure if Ronnie was evil or not. I only knew he bought a shit-ton of weapons and bankrupted a communist country, proving gold outweighed lead. So what do you tell your kids about Trump.

my suggestion...don't. Go on living and enjoying life. That part of discussion, they will find out later. Most likely to divide their family. For now...maybe just deal with being a kid.

President Donald Trump

Remember in "Back To The Future"..."Mayor Goldie Wilson....I like the sound of that"
I hate the sound of Pres Donald Trump. bad. What I really hate...I didn't realize how whiny the people I know on Facebook are. Really..America is stupid? No they're not...they're fed up. Sick of the previous 8 years that wasn't working. You know the only difference between Trump and Obama was...Trump says what's on his mind. Obama, you know he hates Whitey but holds his tongue. Maybe "hate" is too strong of a word. He distrust them. And minority whiners. Which we've proven to be true. Trump is pretty much Lyndon Johnson after Kennedy. Blustery roughneck. But, nothing much will change. Except possibly more assassination attempts. But even then. It'll be funny. Trump is funnier than people expect. People claim him to be the devil, but he is a frat guy. Oh how I loathe them. But he also is more harmless than people are giving him credit for. Maybe not. Fuck...I'm no politician.
What the left didn't see is that no one...likes a snake in the cut. Clintons are too devious for words. Trump is both transparent and annoying, so you sense he's as real as it gets.
Again, people are blowing things out of proportion. It's weird to see Trump president, but so was Reagan. The numbers spoke, and what they said is...they don't like Hillary.

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Election

We have fools for leaders.
And we can now throw ourselves into the pot of jokesters who've gotten this far on sensationalism, moxie and...well, straight up confusion.

I believe the decline was going to a few decades, but it took one election to truly see the silliness that is the seat of the White House. Unless these two understand the parameters of their nonsense, it's unbelievable either of them still want to hold on to see the victor. Curiosity kills me, but I would never risk the American people to stroke my ego.

And thus...the enemies list will be held by either of them should they win.

This circus will eventually be over, then we can celebrate Thanksgiving (hopefully with as many intact family and friends left). And move forward.

I've said since the beginning..does it really matter who we get? They're both awful human beings.

Middle Age 101

Trust me when I tell you, middle aged women are the cruelest to one another. I was sitting in a bar in Sherman Oaks last night when a pair of middle aged women walked in. One was tall, the other short…both had that use-to-be-stunning quality that too much sun or too much cosmetics and hair stuff broken down. And, obviously, age. They were both still very very pretty women.
Age sucks man. Vanity and age meet somewhere in the middle. Literally, the middle of your gut. These two sat near me, so I had an opportunity to hear their conversation (they were on their way to some social function). I’m not entirely sure who told the shorter one this, but it seems they always gave her the “you would be pretty if you were skinny” line. Which I would assume would be someone close enough to be that rude. Her response, even when she was skinny this person had told her that. Now that moved on to the shorter woman’s daughter who she mentioned was 15. I’ve noticed this too. The daughter of a body conscience person gets really really large. Most likely the times she had to hide food. Or consume a whole bag of something bad to conceal it. Body shaming isn’t working. Though, the deeper underlying issue is self-image.
I wake up dreading the mirror. Every day I have larger bags under my eyes, frazzled hair and a little more paunch. I’m just tired looking. In the cruel world of image making, people speak of image ALL THE TIME. People get self-conscious of every little detail which puts you on edge when anything is mentioned. These things will come from people who are car wrecks themselves. But…hey…push it forward.
And I’m sure it happens in every place in the United States. We’re very shallow people in general. Though much more in Los Angeles than anywhere else (maybe Miami).  My point being, if you are a good person, and you find a good mate, I think these conversations at the bar would be less and less. Women are tough critics. Is why they are the mothers. They see the many angles that life can be harshest. The point is to also show value. I felt bad for this woman who at a certain point pulled out selfies of herself with a skintight dress, clearly not meant for her body (not shaming just pointing out that she doesn’t need to be someone else).
To be happy in your own body, saying your own name and declaring your value, is the ultimate goal.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

camera protocol

A lot of cameramen have massive issues with people looking through their viewfinder. I could get you booted off set. Now that monitors are's not as a big deal. I have no problems with people looking through lens as long as they don't break the gear...I think if people know what we're shooting...we're so much more behind it.

I will say this...I think the biggest problem with people looking through lens on a big dog production is that it underminds the cinematographer. Imagine some dimwit who would question the composition of a famous camerman. Or criticize it. I've seen that! It is ugly. And it mostly is from some arrogant student or newbie who is disgruntled. On our level now...I like it because people get really involved.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Cubs Win World Series!

Actually a few years behind what "Back To The Future 2" predicted. Still pretty eerie.

I actually feel sorry for Cub fans. Their identity was wrapped up in 108 years of futility. Now that's over, what now? Is there newer hope? Not really. It was the unifying thing every Cub fan could rally behind. That they were lovably struggling to get rid of the curse. And interesting thing said to me...the game is more dissected if they would have lost than win. Believe it or not, I think there is value to the tradition of...well...not winning.

Yeah. Call me nuts, but when that chapter did a lot of...well...longing and hope. Hope is pretty damn big. The fact that they are now off the books for it, means there is very little to look forward to. Think about it...what do they talk about in barber shops, the El or anywhere in that city anymore. The glue that held them together was futility.
I should know...I wouldn't know what to do if Bengals won the Super Bowl. It would be too weird not to hate on them any more. Or feel we are in a brotherhood of...pain and anguish. It's a strange theory.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

"Streets Of Fire" (1984)

Even tough guys love musicals. Hence Walter Hill's opus to the 50's. Kind of.

This is the cornball stuff that sticks to your ribs...because it's so earnest in its good-heartedness. And now has gained the cult status which eluded them back in the 80's.
The story is about a biker gang headed by a very grey looking Willem Dafoe. He is, essentially, the monster which takes the princess. In this case, Ellen Aim played by an incredibly nubile Diane Lane. There is no bad angle here. She is stunning and a rock star. Belting out, what sounds like Meatloaf tunes. Which...I later found out was composed by the same guy.
So enter Michael heroically named Tom Cody. He is called in to rescue Ellen. Thing is, they have a past, and the guy who hired him is sweet on her.
Alright, forget the plot, this movie is out of control movie making. It is...self admittes by Hill, everything he thought was cool as a teenager. Motorcycle gangs, street fights, old cars, tough guy talk, sexy dames and rock and roll!! Which is why this movie really hits you. It's so innocent and sweet. It's hard to hate
And the musical numbers aren't that memorable except Dan Hartman's 80's hit "I Can Dream About You" which featured another 80's hottie, Joyce Hyser. This movie grows on me because it's so innocent. A self proclaimed "rock and roll fable"
Pare is pretty bad though. His acting is wooden and sounds like he's reading lines. A few months back I met him on a film set. I told him how much I liked "Streets Of Fire" He seemed upset. Maybe hitting him at the wrong time. Or bringing back memories he didn't want ro revisit.
Who is really impressive is Rick Moranis as Pare's rival in love. Not really that big of a competition, but still a sore subject to Pare's tough guy journeyman.
The road awaits for Tom Cody's next adventure. According to lore this was suppose to be the beginning of a trilogy that never materialized. A shame. But understandable.
It takes a while for this movie to hit you in the right place. But this illustrate that movies are emotion, even if your brain realizes how silly the story is.

"Keeping Up With The Joneses" (2016)

I don't even like Zach Galfinakis, so here I am writing a positive review on him AND this flick. It's a mentality stunted movie. Fine. It's got issues, but nothing that any other movie doesn't have.

The story is of Jeff Gaffney. A sad sack of a defense contractor worker. Well...he's in the human resources which we assume means, he knows people. In fact, they repeatedly tell you this. And it pays off when it needs to. This movie isn't about the plot. Nor the story, but of a bored suburban couple desperate for a little change in their life. Enter The Joneses. Tim Jones is played by Jon Hamm, a slick hunky travel writer, whereas his wife is a stunning beauty in the form of Gal Gadot. She is Natalie Jones. The ever suspicious Karen Gaffney, played by balls-to-the-walls Isla Fisher adds the zest to the Dad-joked infected Jeff. She is a the past. You think. Or a sweet girl with in a supple sex-kitten body. She is instantly on to the Joneses and drags her hapless husband along.

This movie isn't ground breaking. It's corny at best. And does what it needs to do. Another bygone era slapsticky movie that requires that both parties are fun. And they are. Hamm and Galfinakis have a great schtick with each other. Gal Gadot's sexy spy thing works for her. And her and Hamm's bickering adds a fun levity to the mix. When sophisticated people act goofy, it's always fun.

Look, I have no idea why the immense hate for this movie. Though it does feel underwhelming at the end. You would assume their relationship could last the adventure they've just been through. I had a good time. So that's all that matters.

Psychosomatic Stress

So I've seen the doctor and it seems that they finally can't figure out a damn thing that is wrong with me. All I can think of now is that it's mostly all in my mind not sure what my drama is but it's causing me to have body soreness. And um I've had myself tested so they can't find nothing wrong. A lot of terrible thing that happened to me recently. I have had my car stolen. I'm stressed out about my job not because I'm not confident in what I do but because the management seems to think our depatment is not generating revenue. Which it seems is dead until next year. I think I live in here but I don't know why maybe because I had a lot more confidence when I was younger how I wake up someone reading what is a head I'm not sure there's a lot of things that I could sort of not take into account. Maybe something that I have really come to terms with maybe lot of resentment and anger towards a girl that I used to date I have bad dreams about it no closure the worse I feel like I've lied to get a reaction. I think it's manifesting itself into some sort of anger and pain that I have the inability to feel at this point my body I think is numbing me because it knows that I can't handle it all at once this stems from me stopping drinking. To dull me from the pain of that comfort I once had.

Maybe it's coming all at once I mean it's been 3 years since my last drink. And that pain that I feel right now and that numbness and brain fog I think is as a result of my alcoholism may be fighting back. Not in the physiological way but maybe something I haven't resolved. I think about my ex-girlfriend from college lot and I consider what her life must be like right now I feel sad becausr that was a life that I may have had but I traded it for this life I didn't, I regret. It's taking me a long time to learn it I think that the profession I chose...I've come to regret. I'm not sure people realize how hard it is to come to that conclusion every single time someone questions what I do or how I do it it does put another nail in my choice to be out here I know I said a lot that I've sacrificed a lot to be out here. I just didn't really mentally prepare myself for that great loss. Becky is gone and that's a death in the family I replayed the most comforting moments of my life and the most surest and it all came down to the moment I spent in Maryland I can remember the time where I felt truly loved and the love of a family that I thought I would be with for a lifetime. I've spent a long time trying to figure out why I felt so much pain but that wasn't able to cry or process anything and now it's come to an age where it manifests in physical pain I didn't really think that it was supposed to work like this. I thought I can power through using my mind and my body and my faith I think I spent a lot of time considering that I wasn't the right choice for her and that really hurts because I always thought that people put a lot of faith in me. That some other guy out there got to live the life I left behind. And they're happy and I'm miserable.

I think the same thing happened to a lot of people who have reached stardom they see a lot of people who really adore them and really have faith and hope and love for them but in reality I think it was that person that got away that kills them inside. I must not have come to terms with that yet. Most people just tell you to stop moping about a girl that didn't choose you. They see it as weakness. And the cycle continues.I'm very envious of people who never have to face these demons. Chances are most hide it better.

So I just need to know the core of why. And how. How did my mind make me this sick? How can I repair? How did I get this bad?

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

"Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children" (2016)

In the latest Tim Burton "I'm really an artist" entry comes a oddball collection of oddball children. Eva Green plays the titular character as some wrangler of children who are broken toys. Much more interesting would be the backstory of these mutants...I mean misunderstood tykes. Instead it's a freak show of Burton's caliber. This story despite the title, isn't about Miss Peregrine or the peculiar children it's about a loser teen living in Florida named Jake (Asa Butterfield) wondering his purpose in life. As if the hands of structure said "Calgon take me away!" Poof the kid is whisked to some far off land to discover the real reason his grandfather had been murdered. Here's a hint: he's the chosen one. Or rather, he gets there in time to attempt to thwart some scientist who botched an experiment.
Along the way, he meets with a big eyed character named Emma. She is played bloodless by Ella Purnell. Her peculiarity is...uh..air. She controls it,sort of. She is full of it which causes her to float, if she didn't have lead boots. Cute enough.
The rest plays out how you think it will. Although, they throw in a very convoluted storyline of having these kids live in a timeloop as to not face the "normal society." I guess there isn't much they could say in terms of time travel, since there is already so much going on. I dunno. Surprisingly dull but if you're a Burton fan, you'll get what you came for.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Collapsed Ceiling

I could go on and on about the stupidity of my landlord...or slumlord. But it's not about that. This is about my neighbor upstairs.

Essentially, he is a blustery old man sick of society. A true conservative who has a lot of opinions and dissatisfied with people. He is angry and loud. What I didn't expect was that he is a coward.

I got into an argument with the landlord as to how many times I've warned them about the bathroom ceiling and how bad it was going to get. He pushed back with his own accusations that he did whatbhe could. That's a pilebof horseshit. He had his maintenance guys comes through and paint over cracks. I've repeatedly warned them. On the phone. Maintenance continued to stand by their assessment. And I continued to warn them. To a point where I am convinced they thought I was a nutjob. Worst...that they said they did something and didn't do it. I eventually threatened them, with the fact I was documenting everything on video and photoa. Frustrating. I really want to unleash the worst of the worst of choice words on them. I am now with a collapsed ceiling.
So I did unleash my anger. I berated them for their incompetence. He accused me of not having training for knowing construction. Eventually he knew he had no ground since proof was blasted all over my bathro floor.

When Dan...the owner showed up and saw the damage. What could possibly be going on in his mind other than his negligence caused this. Oh boy...I lipped him. While my neighbor upstairs...which this effects him just as much...remained quiet. What the flying fuck happened to the blustery angey White guy entitlement. I was expecting him to chime in, easentially vindicating our displeasure with this treatment. In fact....he was the first person who drew my attention to the owner's cheapness.
There he was. Standing there and silent. No anger, folded arms placating the owner. That we would have to use a different bathroom. He nodded silently. My neighbor is a spineless worm. When push came to shove...he folded. Or tucked his tail. I think he knows too. Which really now makes sense. His bluster is to conceal how helpless he is. And...that is where I never want to be. I understand the fear. But something tells me...he feels he is constantly the victim. I pity him. He literally has nothing left to lose, but won't stand for his dignity. I mean...what is left if you don't have that.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

The End Of That Era

Ah..the end of a car being towed away. She is going to be scrapped. And that hurts the most. I often wonder if some parents may feel the same when they leave the home. Ungrateful. Well, she's left home and that closes the door on that.
Should I be emotional over it. I am and I'm not. We've had our adventures...and the memories are what matter.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

At The Ground Level

If you've read my blathering thus far, you know I'm cranky when it comes to the people of Los Angeles. They're self-centered turd phony gangstas'. The rest are dullards. Which is why I function well here.

But, I've been taking the bust lately, and I've got to's changed a bit of the perspective of L.A. for me. At least my commute from the San Fernando Valley to Hollywood. I've seen people be polite, offer old lady seats. Say "excuse me" or allow others to pass. Yes, there are the occasional dickholes who get on the bus and attempt to draw attention to themselves. Such as rapping to themselves. Or playing loud music. But all in all, not the biggest gripe I have. In fact, I've seen more kindness in the trenches than I have at work. Which may explain, as my friend has said, that when you are in a car in L.A. you wake up angry, get in the car angry, drive angry, and work with other angry people. On the bus, you HAVE to face humanity. I could drive my car now, but something about being at the ground level has lessen my disgust for humanity. People look at one another. And talk sometimes. Not that much, but sometimes. And they treat each other...not well, but with respect. I think because no one knows who is angry or not.

And, of course, you get pushed with the wave of humanity. But watching people is pretty interesting and has been giving me more time to think about stories. Instead of stressing out about traffic.

It's a nice change of pace. And I'm saving a little bit of dough.

Monday, October 24, 2016

One Day I Knew I Was Going To Have To Move To L.A.

I've heard this phrase a lot, lately. Not that I would begrudge anyone who is that determined, my day that made sense. 16 years ago you HAD to be here if you want to make movies. Today...not so much. You can make them anywhere. With less jaded people and more enthusiasm. Every town has their micro-Hollywood. But...I're too cool for them

My biggest confusion people follow the trades. Very little ia actually being done in town. I mean, if you are starting out, a smaller venue makes a ton more sense than kicking and suffering in L.A. That is not to discourage anyone from trying out here, but I really assumed the luster of making movies here was dead and buried. In hindsight, much can be done in a place where there is very little being done. I'm not entirely sure people understand the pool they're leaping in. Also...what bugs me...the pre-millenium fun in this town is over. We use to run roughshod on Sunset Boulevard (lost my wallet at Crazy Girls). It's much more quiet now. And it seems the younger crowd prefers the occasional game of Yahtzee over...say crashing a open bar party at Formosa and puking outside the House of Blues (closed).

I don't want to constantly warn people that what you see on t.v. isn't what you get. Then again...I am curious how a nice, seemingly polite person gets turned into a monster overnight.
Guns N' Roses are gone folks.

Rent in L.A.

I'm sure it's all perspective. I warn people of the cost of living here. But it's a different ball game when you really add it up. As a single person, you're tipping your budget about $3000 as of 2016. That's rent, food, utilities, fuel for car and some entertainment. That's not drinking at bars. But paying for things like health and dental too.
I crunched the numbers when I got a notice of a rent increase as of December. It's not much and Incan afford it, but it got me curious about other places around here. So I sniffed around the rental area. Near where I live...and a few blocks the REALLY shitty part of Van a little over $100 extra. I'm saying the less three-pools-tennis-court barrio, where there is street parking.
Yes, the market now is so ridiculously high, that rent is the new premium. Shit-holes are what you would pay as mortgage for a safe area outside of California. Not that expect them to give a shit. But that's what happens when this property is sold to foreign interest.

It's our damn fault. Because we're transients here. Gypsies with delusions of squatting. Bad tenants came and went and left horrible reputation that others pay. That is the nature of rentals. No respect paid. Especially in an anonymous town like Los Angeles.

The mystique outweighs the reality. To which many people learn too late. Or their alternative is too awful to consider. NOTHING crushes people more than hope gone unanswered.

Back to the real estate...if you plan on coming out here...find a one bedroom apartment with a close friend and split the time sleeping on couch. You save a bunch of dough and stave off uncertainty.
It's getting tougher out here.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Ohio...For The Win!

Since 1964, the American President has been decided by Ohio. Whomever Ohio goes with...wins. That's a very dubious distinction. Considering how small the state is. Or maybe more prophetic how different we are within that state. Mid-America working class peeps would sway correctly. If you think about the polarized states does make sense.

This election may be different though. It's an odd duck, since we're not voting candidates here. We're picking the less offensive one. So many superlatives thrown around this election. For example..."this is THE single most disgusting show of alleyway political tactics ever." Not really. It's always been tactless. This is what they call transparency. And what did we see. Everything we suspected but didn't think we'd see. We're all tantrum throwing babies. Politicians are the worst. But we're stuck with this. Now winding down, mercifully,  to a burning halt.

I'm not sure you can predict what is to happen here. No one is going to be graceful in defeat. Though, thankfully, will disappear.

For those who believe there are better I use to...there isn't. Trump, if anything, you can drag any pig into the mud with him. If it weren't Hillary it would be some other poor slob. Would Bernie fare better...honestly...I think he pussed out. To which, Trump would've freely grabbed. We sent an ogre to fight a swamp witch..meanwhile...our village will burn no matter what.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

"Jack Reacher:Never Go Back' (2016)

We live in a world now where a Madea holiday mocie beat Tom Cruise at the box office. That tells you we are complete morons predicted by "Idiocracy."
But good for Tyler Perry. It also shows a fun nerdy Black man can succeed in this style comedy since the disenfranchised seem to like gangsta' shit. Or it tells me there are now even more immigrants here that just want a cross dressing laugh. Take that "Birth of a Nation."

This Jack Reacher movie sort of takes you back to his roots. He's on the road but he stumbled onto a personal matter that leads him back to his military background. He is set to meet a woman he only knew by emails. But discovers over the phone that she's even a woman. He, in essence is being "catfished" And fortunately it turns out to be Cobie Smulders whose character is named Major Susan Turner.

Turner has been arrested after Reacher has set up a date. To which he now investigates why.

This movie is a throwback to...sleuthing movies. None of it moves at music video speed. Nor does it have the gloss of the first one. It's actually an odd movie, in that with different hairstyles and could be a 70's detective movie. It has one-liners and goons. People tail each other. There are mouthy and rugged women. There are blurred lines between good guys and bad. And as pne person pointed out...this is as Eastwood as Cruise is going to get. It's a perfect transition into these older roles. I sense Cruise will play a lawyer again...much like Paul Newman did in his later years. OR...a curmudgeony old guy. He obviously can do comedy. There is pretty good schtick in this movie.

But things move on for Reacher. He isn't a good guy. He does good things. He's a drifter without a war. And I appreciate that Rambo-ness of the movie. Just trying to figure out humanity and seeing glimpses of hope for us.

If you roll your eyes at patriotic movies or just think our country is a pile of shit...this movie 'aint for you. If you are a forgiving soul with hope in your eyes...well..I got a tiny bit misty at the end.


It wasn't so much The Ohio State Buckeyes lost. I would've been cool with Wisconsin Badgers. BUT a team whose athletic department habored a known pedophile is unreal.
Yet...yes..yet...after the initial shock...I was left with a sense's alright. I'm not sure why. But..I think it has to do with the practical side of it. Which is
..none of these assholes pay my bills. Nor do they lower my taxes. Fact seems to be...the older I get the more I've concluded win or lose...our live move forth. That's food or bad dependent on your situation. In a shitty would be a massive disappointment. would be all you lived for. Pride of a place you live.
Now...this same night the Chicago Cubs finally made it to the World Series since 1948. The Indians made it too. They haven't been there since the 1960's. Cub fans seem to make it like they're winning it. And I'm happy for them. Their futility of city pride has become a weird joke. As much as my awful Cincinnati Bengals. We may lose our identity if they ever win the Super Bowl. Not "us" the city.

I always imagine...after decades near a century of disappointment... a win falls from the sky. And they are old guy who owns a local pub puts up the team photo up on his wall. Then can tell the story of what was the most amazing season they lived through. A closure to life maybe.

I blend my disappointments now. Watered down by some shame, but othet realities. That at Penn State (the team that beat Buckeyes tonight) they were a few steps now away from the ugly recent history. I look back and do realize hanging a Scarlet Letter on them makes me worst than people who will never let the shame of slavery die ( yeh...I know it's an extreme comparison). Life goes on...and they don't know you from any other schlub in the stadium wearing their color jersey.
I'm deeply bummed but don't feel my life is over. And that feels good.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Trump's Last Stand

I didn't watch it. But people say it was ugly.

But, as Hillary smiles convinced of her victory, it would be of some satisfaction to see a third party win and her balling up her fist and really letting loose on what she really thinks of the American people. People say, we're not voting for Bill but for Hillary. I think that's laughable. He's on at the very least consultant. Let's not fool ourselves. He's got the experience. But...of 90's America, NOT today. Today...sort of sucks. I mean 90's did too. But at least Bill can adjust to help the poor ass constituents (me). One wonders how a husband and wife presidency is history making, on the carcass of a bully and punk business scum. America seems to be sick of both of the wafflers.

I honestly don't know how this will turn out. Seems everyone has crowned Hillary now. Which is cool. If he wins, I suspect some big corps will be fleeing this country. OR...and I hope this promise is true, she lives up to her promise. I don't think I could stand my liberal friends bitching and moaning after she got into office and NOTHING got done. Especially helping me out with my student loans (heh heh).

Alright, political gladiator fans, that's it. And congratulations to the Cleveland Indians for essentially sweeping the Toronto Blue Jays. First the NBA Champs now...World Series? What is going on in that town. I say...great. I'm sick of the jokes about that town. I mean, I laugh, but they still cut deep. They always consider us in Cincinnati the dumb yokels and we always think they're the shady goombahs. But we're still Ohioans. Not like the Cub fans versus the White Sox. guys are in the same fucking city and have resentment towards each others' successes. Not even in the same division. That's hate for ya.

Monday, October 17, 2016

I Need To Get To KMart!

The elderly lady blasted out of the retirement home door and onto the sidewalk where I waited for the bus. She wore sweats. With unkempt hair. Something agitated her.
"You know when the bus comes?" She demanded info from me.
" can see it from here." Down the street the bus chugged along. Maybe 5 minutes, I thought.
Her look was a bit wild and somewhat desperate

"How much is it to ride the bus?"

"A dollar seventy five cents" thinking I should've explained in her era money. Like "50 tuppence."
She seemed to holler " I have 2 dollars!"
Why did I even follow up "yeah..they want exact change. You'll be donating a quarter." Naturally it didn't compute.
"I have to get to KMart! I have to buy Christmas presents"
Why oh why do I want to know "'s October."
She seemed to lean into me. Study my expression. Her eyes narrowed. Her hair seemsd to get wilder.
"Yeah...s'kay. It's on layaway anyway."
We both got on the bus and she got off three blocks KMart.

Now that I think about it...she may have just escaped from the retirement home.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

"The Accountant" (2016)

A man good with numbers and has a killer instinct. This was the pitch of "Good Will Hunting" so it's not that big of a leap to see Ben Affleck tackle this topic. This movie is pretty badass. Mostly because Ben is still yoked from his superhero world.

In a way, this is also a superhero movie. Freaks who have special talents. He could possibly be the X-Men's accountant. His power is numbers. He even comes from a school for special children. Anyway, he works as a number cruncher for real jerks. He makes money for a reason the movie does explain. He is a lonely shutoff guy until he meets up with a fellow accountant while investigating missing money. Which turns into a conspiracy on the development of robotic prosthetics (like "The Fugitive.").
Things get wild when he is being chased by a treasury agent interested on the mysterious accountant.
There are some great laughs in this movie. Ben has to be deadpan and ticky while still making you believe a human is within him. It's something of heartbreak and loneliness. Like if Willy Nelson went across the country singing songs and helping the people who couldn't help themselves. I suppose it's like The Hulk. But much more fun. And logical.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Grabbing Pussy Pt. 3

I realize the sound of those words coming out of a middle aged melted candle with Fraggle hair sounds gross. But that's most likely why people leapt on it. Had it been Johnny Depp...I'm sure a lot of women would come to his defense. Women are starting to combat double standards by expressing their own. Or at least having an outlet to vebalize. What I wrote about men being weak these's simply because we're allowed to. When you look at the support of a mountain of what was once considered deviant behavior now pushed to the norm...that's a woman's doing. Women are seeing how much more anger they can express and scaring off the menfolk. Trump reminds us of a time when a woman got out of mouthy she'd get backhanded. See, that's changed. Spouses and girlfriends see this and demand you agree what a monster he is. Most men can't backhand their to lay back in Lazy Boy and pretend that shrewy voice is static.

By the way...most people leave out the crucial.part of Trump's grabbing poon line. Which is...when you're rich and famous. Ordinary guys can't be doing that shit. It's WHY you become rich and famous. But...that's not even worth it anymore. When you become rich and famous, you take care of your six adopted 3rd world country kids, get a chick with lips that look like they could suck start a Buick, but get zero oral. And then get divorced for half. If we think celebrities are privileged...society clearly doesn't want to reward it.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Michelle Obama Chimes In On This Shit Show

Shit your dumb fucking face.
The Don is imploding and now you want to re-ignite his supporters. You moron! They already hate you.

So what did she say...well basically, as a woman you should feel violated by his words. Duuuuhhhh.
But you know the are already pussies. To be honest, Hillary is more of a man than Trump is. She's willing to take a lot for the team. She is so desperate to be Prez she slept (Im really assuming here) in the same bed Bill mosy likely banged women in. And she was willing to sacrifice soldiers to cover up our illegal activities. Look, she never said she's a staunch liberal. In fact...quite the opposite. She might as well be a Right Winger. Since that's what Michelle accused her of...well before a couple of words about The Don. You know...this caveman mentality got him a ton of pussy. Was it 100% success. Probably not. But you only need one. And seeing how our society has gone wouldn't surprise me if Trump got kudos for being a knuckle-dragger. All funny stuff. This is better than The NFL.

Conservatives Watch The Movies They Wanna Watch

Jesus movies have a built in audience. Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ" raked in so much dough guy still lives in Malibu post anti-Semite rants. Look at all those Christian born-again movies. Kirk Cameron could pay to reshoot "Growing Pains" over again with a Christian theme and leverage the remaining cast to come aboard with the dough he's made on those "Left Behind" movies. Religion aside...fuckin Clint Eastwood's "Sully" exceeded anyone's expectation and blew away the box office going over 100 mil already. Yes...his dumb...didn't we see this already in "Flight" movie. Also the guy who supports Trump. Or hates Hillary. Who knows. But you can bet anything that guy wants Warner Bros. gives him. I love Clint. Seems to be really the man of the people. And would've made a nice president...pre-Clinton. Two Bushes were too much. I don't think Middle East would've fucked with us if they knew Dirty Harry was in office. Not because they think he is that character...but I think they'd want to see more movies from him post-presidency. We're all movie fans.
It may be the country is sick of Hollywood deviancy. Sick of Kardashian being famous for doing nothing. Sick of entitlement. Sick of immoral values. The money shows you the trend. And...domestically anyway...loves its heroes to have a strong pious code. It feels as if we're shifting back to a 1980's.sensibility. We're sick of worrying about who hates us. I'm certain people are starting to wean off internet anger. If movies that we pay to see reflects America, it's slowly creeping away from serial killing anger. Leaning more towards banding together to fight a common enemy.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Trump Doesn't Like Black People And He Gropes Women

A lot of this makes more sense when it first occurred rather than now. But I get it...17 year old beauty contestant may have been intimidated. Young and in the midst of fortune and fame. And the devil nearby doesn't have push or pull.

There isn't a law that says you have to be a beauty contestant. This has nothing to do with the fact that Trump is most likely all the things he's accused of. It's that I wish women would understand getting into the entertainment field is gross and exploitive. Trump isn't different he's the norm. And it's a shame. If anything comes from this, it's that homosexuals stop grabbing guys, pedophiles disappear and sexual predators leavr Hollywood. I'll wait for youto stop laughing.
Does Trump not like Black people. I don't think anyone rich and White does except for the Rooney family that owns Steelers. He champions the Blacks. Heavily Irish guilt. I think we all have prejudices. Which is why the only reason Trump isn't drummed out of America is that we probably know we have it in us too.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Wells Fargo Scam

Bankers are filthy animals. They use your money to make money then when you're not looking, use yoir identity to make money. They got caught and the CEO John Stumpf "retires."
Not good enough. This asshole should be executed. I'm not kidding. There has to be that dire a consequence in order for others not to do the same.
I recall being with them a few years back and feeling the shadyness of their bank. They've been around a long time, but something didn't seem rigbt about them. I watched every dime and nickel month to month. But sometimes came up short. One time I was just fed up called corporate and screamed at them "there is something going on there."
They responded "well, show us where we've made a mistake and we'd be happy to change"
"That's the point the numbers are there but I'm still not getting the numbers you're getting."
"I can't change the sum if I don't know what is incorrect." So...I'd get hit with overdraft fees and so forth. I knew something was up. Fucking goddamn banks. And this Stumpf fucker gets to keep his life. I hope someone royally got screwed and assassinates his ass. Send a message to those who would cheat their fellow man.
And before you say "calm down, it's only money" I agree with you. But I'm not the one that would risk death to cheat peoplem for it." Get it?
Preferably Stumpf kills himself. It's best.