Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Chasing Money

 I know I talk about this more times than you probably want to hear. But here goes again... boosts your comfort level but doesn't boost your happiness.

There are SO many empty unfulfilled rich people in this world whose sole purpose to be richer. A lot of them just want to tell their bosses to go fuck themselves. Others want freedom to do what they want and not answer to people (spouses or friends). Others want it for envy. So they buy very shiny things. Make others jealous. Get great looking spouses.

And yet, they are still empty inside.

Success is and will never be measure by how much money you have. The quality of life DEFINITELY will. For most of us, we want to be comfortable. Eat a hot meal and sleep soundly. Because, again...this all will end one day. And that money in your wallet will mean nothing. Because dead people can't spend money. So it moves on.

I never understand people who simply want to be richer than they already are. Nancy Pelosi is painfully rich. A scumbag human being. A casual look at her tells you the miserable life she's led. Always on that pedestal of society that granted her position and power but still feels she is the step child. She recently inside traded when Biden announced electric vehicles would take over all federal vehicles. Which means her newly bought stock in Tesla, days before it was even announced, spiked. Call it what you want, there is no reason for her to want to chase more money. Unless it's a dick measuring contest to see how much she can steal from Americans. She wins handedly.

Regardless, none of this makes her happy. She will die miserable. As will Biden. As will Trump. Because these types of ambitious people...enough is never enough.

So, if you are looking money throughout your life, I hope you find comfort in it. You can't buy your friends with money. Because those you buy with money won't be honest with you.

Therein lies politics.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Skin In The Game

 I heard this from comedian Bryan Callan and it makes sense. This from a book he read about people who have a lot to say but have no investment into the outcome. In other words college professors and politicians, and to be honest...middle aged White women.

Here's the deal. Most vocal of all talks about racial inequities come from people who have no skin in the game. They don't have to deal with the results. Only that they need a purpose in life. And most of their lives are miserable (I'm adding this) comfortable idiots who feel you need them to save you. White middle aged women have know...savior complex. As do woke college educated White men.

You know who doesn't have time to think about racial inequities? People who work or are trying to find work.

Which is why a 47 year old idiot career politician like Joe Biden panders to these idiots. And the ones who control media have no idea, the long term damage they inflict on people who just want to work.

Am I saying Donald Trump knew? No. But at least he was listening to them. Or tried to change things for that demographic. Biden (more accurately his cabal) have NO idea how working class works. He has no skin in the game. Neither do "educators" because they've failed in the real world.

The "real world" doesn't give a flying fuck about your feelings. In "Remember The Titans" Denzel Washington's character says it outright when Will Patton coddles the Black player who Denzel just chewed out. He wasn't helping by patronizing the kid. The "real world" does not care if Petey gives up on a play.

IF you are to treat a man as an equal, equality means all the ugliness that is involved. The world treats us all in ugly ways. And if we aren't prepared, you will not survive. Worse, you paint yourselves as victims.

College was like that. A safe haven from the ugly world. Most college students are beyond privileged and spoiled. They can afford college or found ways to afford it. Coddled by the warmth of institutional structure. Life is NOT like that. Get it through your fucking skull: the real world at ground level will not coddle you. It took me forever to learn this because all college taught me was that I had time to dick around and that I wasn't about to accept anything less. This is why you get a lot of 25+ year olds marching in the streets to injustices. It's not that they are treated unjust, it's that they perceive real world as not seeing their genius. Can you puke anymore?

IF these professors had real skin in the game, they would teach them that they will have to work harder than anyone else. That the warm bosom of school structure will not protect them from the realities of the pain of rejection. That others are better, smarter than you. That you have to make painful sacrifices.

In a way, our movie business is the same warm bosom. Once you get in, of course.

Once you break in (like an Ivy League school) most tend to coast. Get comfortable. Realize this is WRONG. You have to continue to challenge yourself. It gets harder the older you get. And that wisdom will come from that. By putting skin in the game, you will change your outlook on what you think is unjust (hint: it is all unjust).

Putting skin in the game means you think differently. You don't want to be coddled and won't do any coddling. That is the harsh reality you NEED to face.

Most of my class (in film school) have quit. Some have become teachers. They indoctrinate the world on how "unfair" the system is. Which has some truth. But that is reality. IF they were to tell the students how awful the injustices are they about to face, they are painted as bitter. I know some of you see me as that. I'm not. I still get to do what I love and do it on my terms. The real bitterness are towards the people who see their shortcomings as the result of the system. I found the system to treat me fairly. I have skin in the game now, to push my own agendas. That of filming on celluloid film. A passion I am, gratefully, allowed to pursue. For the rest of you, I hope you find what it is you've been lacking.

Don't fall for the ones who can only say and not do.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Why My Co-Workers Are Retards

 I know we have all worked in a place where you just wanted to say that.

Here's my issue.

IF there is a problem and you are explaining the issue, the single most aggravating thing I can ever look at is a person sitting there with his stupid fucking hand against his face, his forefinger out bracing his cheek, in that professor thinking pose, as to pretend to be interested but have a glazed idiot smug expression on his face... you try to explain what is going on.

THEN, completely turn back to your monitor to look at Right Wing militia internet news...going back to your regular life as if what I said made no difference in your world.

Flash forward next day...

Dum-dum wondering what is wrong with everything.

THIS is when I belittle you to within an inch of your life.

"The **&* isn't working. It doesn't pop up"

Me: "Yeah, I saw your body in that seat yesterday, but I guess your brain didn't show up because I fucking told you that yesterday. Was the glazed look on purpose or should I take that as a hint you're deaf and dumb?"

"Fuck you."

Me: "Oh look, the nitwit finally responds. Here's my response 'figure it out yourself'"

So, here's why I'm heated...

IF something doesn't work and is wrong, the correct response is to ASK FUCKING QUESTIONS"

"What do you mean that the program doesn't pop up. Explain to me like I'm a child why it isn't working?"

None of the previous exchange would've been necessary. Instead, I have to clap at them like they're Rain Man. Which I have no problems doing. If you want to act like a retard you will be treated like one.

Guy is too prideful to grovel for my input at this point. And, frankly, he can go fuck himself.

Women...Er...Men In Sports

 So Joey Biden's first act as President of THE United States is to allow men who think they're women to play in women's sports.

In other words, no genetically honest woman will ever win at sports ever again.

Haha. Just kidding. They certainly won't win at track and field. Or weight lifting. Men's bones are simply more dense. Oh wait, that's the science homeboy doesn't believe.

The problem with this is very clear. And quite useless. As is this sputtering fool.

This also allows men who identify as women to use women's restrooms. So, here goes all those times when men can go peeping.

Makes sense for a guy who loves to sniff women.

Biden is a total failure. 47 years of it. Not one thing right. Seriously, look it up.

But the Lefties hate Trump so much, this was their answer.

The dumb Left would've chosen a sponge on a stick. Because they are really that dumb.

Or perhaps this is their revenge on the Right making Trump prez.

I check the latter. Because the Left are clearly mentally ill, emotionally unstable wrecks of human beings.

I left the Left because I couldn't stand this nonsense anymore. Also, they censor MORE than anyone I know. And they're attempting to do more of it. Any thought that doesn't conform to their own.

That is NOT what creates art.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

A Co-Worker Died

 A guy I had met the first few days I'd arrived at work passed away.

He was roughly my age. He and I would crack wise. He loved to laugh. He had been here for years, and seemed like a very jolly guy. I saw him in the hallway from time and time and never knew that he had cancer.

I realize as we get older a few things come to mind...

Don't die over something stupid (fireworks, anvil falling on you, dumb stunts)

Every minor ailment could be a disease (this is what you think, because you have WebMD).

To me, the second part of this is much more real. As you get older, your body breaks down. Then you realize how mortal you are. Hell, driving through Los Angeles on a daily basis reminds you of that. HOWEVER, the youth that populate this town believe the party...or reckless behavior can go on forever.

It doesn't.

We grow old and tired.

Yet, I realize a lot of people don't want to face their own mortality. Why? Most likely because there's nothing waiting for them on the other side. So they make the most of it while they're here. Which you should be doing anyway. But you should also exercise common sense.

My Dad does that now where people his age are dropping off like flies. And sometimes I think he is curious as to why he remains. I don't think he believes in the after life the way Christians do. But I think he believes there is something going on. I would never hazard a guess. But want to believe there is.

For a lot of you, the thought of an afterlife probably sucks, because you will run into the same assholes you know now (maybe not). For some, it's a relief not to have to pay bills.

I know when I had a near death experience, I was saddened by the idea that all my memories would be erased. Though I've lived a somewhat tragic romantic life, I still enjoy being me. All that could've ended. And that very thought saddens me. Would I relive the 1980's? Or have to go through teenage rejection? Or trauma the last time I was here.

The mysteries of the unknown that my co-worker now knows the answers to.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Everything's A Front

 Have you ever noticed...

...when people present themselves online or in social media, it's always a Leftist agenda. And when you meet them, they aren't that militant.

Some are. Some are just lost in their own bullshit. Knew a guy who just left L.A. because it has gotten so shitty. Openly Lefty.

But for a lot of people I've known and talk to later, they have to pretend to be.

Even though their real opinion is Lefties suck. I'm guilty of it myself. But I've lost that diplomacy. Anytime anyone talks about how shitty Trump was...I now shut their shit down. Their solution was a system so fucking corrupt they accept fraud as the solution to how much they hate the guy.

I would never accept an election this fraught with WEIRD shit that common sense tells me what is reality.

See, they don't even believe their bullshit, but for the sake of placating the popular kids they have to step and fetch.

That is Hollywood. Conform or we'll shut your shit down. I prefer to shut people's bullshit down upfront.

That's the thing with this business. It's run by popular kids who don't like to be corrected. When the majority need to be. A lot of Hollywood are conformists. Which is completely different than when I was growing up. If you don't agree with them, they shut you down. Silence you and make sure your career suffers. The silence is deafening.

And, of course, most of us out here are cowards. In the sense that we know the truth and don't repeat it aloud. Instead, the conservatives stay quiet.

And believe it or not, when the doors are closed and they think no one is listening...they drop their guard. And none of it sides with the ridiculous woke culture.

It's all an act folks.

White People Shit

 People are really dogging on the White people these days. And I reckon it's just going to create much more Black and Brown hate. Because they aren't being recognized for all the good they've done.

American exists and thrive because White people made some cool shit. Due mostly because of convenience or comfort. What we are privileged of these days in America is solely on White Americans. And I'm not fucking saying that because I'm "White washed" or a "Banana" or whatever stupid bigoted shit you White Lefties have against me for saying's because it is the truth. And it is not politically correct to give credit where credit is due. Obviously, White folk are also responsible for some atrocities. But not as much as the good that is done. In America anyway.

Funny how the White Lefties hate on Klan and White Supremacist when they are the LEAST visible at this point. They have to dig deep to label anyone who disagrees with them this way.

Any how, here's the live in American comfort because of White people. Sorry to say, it as a direct result of things being built for everyone's well being. Explain how people who live in White culture seem to live a more comfortable life, whilst people in Sub-Saharan countries seem to suffer. Oh wait, that's a Lefty speed bump.

Lefty: Bullshit! Society has thrived for centuries with inventions the White culture can only imagine.

Also Lefty: They need clean water!!!

Yeah, dummies, the White folk figured out a long time ago, that innovation is the key.

Now a lot of you would probably argue that White society have the benefit of living on more fertile ground or land that yields better chances of survival. Guess what, the fact that you think or say that makes you a dumb racist. You're essentially saying those people are too dumb to go to better places.

I am grateful to live in America. And grateful that White America made it what it is. I am also now grateful Black and Brown people make it what is is. That is the point of America. The problem now is that White Lefty America want you to believe you are the problem with everything about America. White people laid the groundwork know...not having to shit in a hole. OR having hot food. Or, not being presided over by a warlord.

And it is stunning how people have no recognition of this comfort level.

We're so comfortable we have to go looking for problems

Homeless Issue In Los Angeles

 I would bet the majority of the homeless in Los Angeles stem from three things...

1) no steady home life

2) Other cities sending them useless people

3) substance abuse

So many have crushed dreams.
But also it's too expensive to live in regulated lives.

For a lot of the homeless, I don't disagree with you. It is ridiculous to live here. But, it was also (now) made for people who can afford to live here. If you can't, you create a larger problem.

On my way to work, I've seen two encampments that have been burned down. I can only guess they're attempting to stay warm and start a fire. One next to a corporate business (Costco). Sure they're happy about that.

The homeless issue here is an epidemic. And is getting worse.

Then I hear from some morons that if I don't like it I should leave.

Think about that for a second. Because I pay taxes, go to work and don't set shit on fire...the problem is mine. This is typical idiotic Lefty shit. How about I go around and burn down all your encampments. Since the new D.A. of Los Angeles isn't enforcing loitering. Then what? Most of you are null and void people in society anyway.

What this does is create a lack of effort on all parts. Making this worse than Tiajuana. A lawless community dictated by lawless people.

And it just snowballs into what we're seeing now. Give an inch, take a mile.

So, Lefties, go fuck yourselves. Maybe a homeless person burns down your home and takes everything that meant anything to you. Perhaps you'd wise the fuck up.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

People On The Fray

 There is nothing sadder than people who are at the fray when it comes to working in the entertainment business.

The unspoken thing is this...if you haven't worked consistently in the business for at least 3 years...and I stress the word CONSISTENTLY, stop chasing this path. Go a different route and stop clogging up the system.

Here's what I see a lot of, while being around Hollywood: deadbeats.

That's what they won't show you. Though, a lot of Americans are wising up. And the influence of Hollywood is drying out. There is no more envious feelings towards celebrity. And those who pursue it, well, go right ahead, but the outcome isn't what you're expecting.

How would I know what you are expecting? Because the story never changes. As Indiana Jones says in "Temple of Doom" Fortune and glory. Both of which elude you if you are struggling.

A lot of people will probably swallow their pride and keep trudging forward. That's fine. Disregard all of us who think you're directionless and deluded. The point is, do it for the reasons that aren't about Hollywood. Do it for CRAFT. Care about what you do. I get it, you need to make money and survive doing it, but that means getting a steady job and doing it for that reason. What I see a lot of are people who aren't willing to compromise that part. Live to the edge and break their back on the slightest adjustments. This is not living. And you will regret it.

Living at the fray of Hollywood isn't as glamorous as you think.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Why Do You Want To Get Into Movies?

 Has anyone ever asked you that?

What was your answer?

For the most part, every time I've asked this to a potential writer or director, the answer typically is the same. They have no idea.

Which is cool. But that's not what I would call a passion.

I think what people can't articulate is that they like to manipulate people. And I don't mean in a bad way. All film is is telling a story that effects people. It's not like we're brewing medicine so that it can cure nut itching. I think if people were really honest with themselves, the real answer... to be liked.

Let's be crystal clear here: most of you are people pleasers.

Again, NOT an insult. I consider myself a people pleaser. Until, I got sick of pleasing people. Because people like you regardless. Right, Mr. Rogers?

No seriously (and again, I am NOT a psychologists) I suspect this comes from feeling or being a disappointment to one or both parents.

So we manufacture stories to get attention. And then telling a good story gets you GOOD attention.

A good visual story teller accomplishes a few makes others feel less lonely in the world. And it also exorcises your demons. Most filmmakers get into making movies because they are curious. Life, death, love, and religion. All curiosities.

So I suggest you figure out why you got into making films before you go into this blender. Because frankly, you better love your own stories. And you better be able to amuse yourself first.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The South

 First off, congratulations to the Alabama Crimson Tide for a dismantling of THE Ohio State Buckeyes. Or should I say the Ohio State Buckeyes. I didn't have a chance to watch the game, but judging by the score it wasn't even close. So the best college team in the nation won.

The South gets a really bad rap. To be honest, I have NEVER met a rude Southerner. Ever. Seriously. There are disgustingly rude East Coasters and, in the arena of sports, ugly Midwesterners. Ohio State Buckeye fans are mean and completely understand how people would target them as a college team to despise. I still love them, and now keep it more on the downlow. I've been to the games and it isn't pretty. They are rabid fans.

That said, the Southern people are very very nice people. Post 1970's towards the Black and Brown folk, of course. I know that there are a TON of genuinely racist people there. And perhaps that's how they got their reputation, but I've been to the South a LOT and what I experienced were very kind generous people.

I recall going thru a Georgia when I was a college student, poor and hungry but I had to have my Spring Break. And pulling up to a fried chicken place. It was a local place, not a franchise. It was late and I was tired and had only bottles of Snapple my sister had given me. I think I only had a few bucks left and just enough gas to get home. The lady behind the drive thru window seemed to see this. And ask me if I wanted the rest of the chicken they had. She gave me all the chicken they were about to throw out. I inhaled it and have been grateful ever since. I doubt a chicken place in Van Nuys, California would ever do this. They would most likely huff rudely that they were closing and there's nothing left.

To me, this is the image I have about the South: Kindness.

The problem I see is that most Northerners/Midwesterners have gone to college and have a low opinion of the South. And that's why I can't stand the more cosmopolitan folk. They're snobs.

So for the more urban folk...don't look at kindness as weakness.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Tanya Roberts

I had a massive crush on actress Tanya Roberts since I saw her in "Beast Master" Stunning eyes. Ample chest. Legs to ya-ya. She was the entire package. Then she showed up in a James Bond flick. One where, though she was mis-casted, she still seem to fit the mold.


I suspect a few things happened in the canyons of Los Angeles. A vivacious stunningly beautiful and active woman like her don't just up and pass. I think she suffered from a food disorder. Or what I consider body dysmorphia. I think her generation was the type to have to believe they need to keep trim. Perhaps a drug that keeps you that way.

Our business is all about looks and if you are talent you do everything to stay slim, trim and sexy. Most guys who lose their hair, do transplants or plugs. Most women take diet pills or OVER exert themselves. I think Carrie Fisher seemed to follow suit. Because nerd fans can be cruel.

I saw Ms. Roberts a few years ago during a fan signing convention. She looked her age and seemed...well, a little removed. Like Heather Thomas. Both hot blondes I beat off to. They were both there. Next to each other. It was like my 80's dream right there. They both had a ton of plastic surgery done. Which...look, I don't know how pressured one is to maintain...but I pity this lifestyle. And pray I never get to that point being in charge of anything where I sit in a meeting as people are belittled for aging. It's disgusting (seen it before).

It was sad also how her death was announced. She was alive when she was announced dead. And now re-announced as dead. The Mandela Effect may come into play in the future.

I know we all think we'll live forever, but I hope you live a quality of life that you can enjoy on a daily basis. Most people are struggling and suffer through it. This is not the life you should want for yourself.

Enjoy it, it's very short.

The Capitol Melee

 Yeah, I didn't call it a riot.

The Left never called BLM or Anti-Fa riots when they burned down fucking city blocks and even took over a street and named themselves independent. Remember Seattle? Idiot Jenny Durkin called it "the Summer of Love". Fucking moron.

So if people break into The Capitol, isn't that the "Winter of Love?"

Sorry, if you weren't outraged by the Portland, Seattle riots then you should shut your idiot face over the Capitol.

I shit on both. However, this was completely avoidable if the politicians in charge actually did their job. In a way, police did theirs. They made the assault a day thing, and not an occupy thing. So kudos to them.

Meanwhile, Lefties, shut your fucking idiot mouths. Because frankly, I blame you. You empowered stupid behavior that got results. The Presidential election comes to mind. The powers that be knew if they actually investigated the election they would see the irregularities. The ridiculous odds that it took for Biden to win. You can't just say "oh, nothing happened" and that was that. Yes, the burden of proof was to prove fraud. But there was plenty. IF you had common sense. These cowards just didn't want to be responsible for what BLM and Anti-Fa were going to do if the facts came out.

Okay, so some of you retards are probably like "You have no proof"

Hey....dummies, that's PRECISELY what I was asking for. An investigation. All the people were. The Democrats spent 38 million dollars to investigate Trump...and found nothing. They investigated the damn pull string in a NASCAR garage. But an election fraud with sooooo many irregularities is a bridge too far for them. Give me a break.

This was a fraudulent election the likes to which puts us in some South American category of bullshit. Funded by very rich Democrats who want to continue the status quo. Which is to rip off Americans to their hearts desire.

Wake the fuck up. Things will most likely get worse. Because extreme Right folks are more armed then the Lefties. And they don't like to be made the fool. And then the outrage will come. And dumb Lefties will wonder why.

Friday, January 8, 2021

OOOOOO...They Coming To Censor You

 If you use any platform that goes out into the masses, not like Blogger (because no one cares...yet) and you have an opinion that they don't agree with, THEY WILL CENSOR YOU.

Guess what? Happening and is gleefully supported by the Left. Well guess what? They will come for you.

See, the thing about free speech's free. Was free. Until you fucking scumbag Lefties ruined it. Because you started canceling everyone. And it's not going to end. It's going to get worse. Because now they know they can do it.

It will frustrate you if you start to ask questions. Such as...why did they tag election results on everyone who wanted to ask questions about the obvious FRAUD?

Or, why do your friends dump you when you don't share a similar opinion about the election. Both candidates have caused a greater fracture of interpersonal relationships than we can fathom. Because social media is driving a divide between our reality.

For one thing, EVERYONE wants a thing. The thing is...freedom. The Left believe freedom is doing what it wants when it wants how it wants. Which didn't work when Seattle was occupied for those days in the CHOP/CHAZ garbage pit. Because no one can agree on rules. Like...don't shit in my tent, Francis!

Well, Francis don't like you telling him that.

The other thing is that these scum Left who thrive on being garbage street people have nothing to lose and nothing you can take from them. So they burn, loot and destroy with impunity. Los Angeles is like that. Murder rates spiked higher than it's ever been. Because people are taking out their aggression on each other with no rule of law. Criminals know when they don't prosecute crimes. And this garbage District Attorney with have now (George Gascon) is a radical piece of shit. Hope something awful happens to someone he cares about. Maybe change his tune. Or maybe he doesn't care about anyone. Garbage Democrat.

California is going to shit and a lot of people are moving. I had a friend who messaged me shortly before he ditched L.A. The dummy was like "there was a shooting at the Ralphs (grocery store) in our neighborhood. I'm done with this town." Sold his house within a month and ran. Total deranged Lefty. Just supported the Democrats here, destroyed the city and ran. What a coward. Now he's in a red state, most likely gutting that place as well. These are cockroaches with no semblance of COMMON SENSE.

And the news we get are still being filtered through these eyes. All the crime is being buried to pretend a Democrat run city works. It does not. What they do is sell off America to foreign interests and take payouts. And then THEY run.

They have failed. And are too prideful to admit their policies are dumb and destructive.

I'm all for freedom. All most of us want is to be left alone to do what we can do without hurting one another. The extremist on both sides are causing a massive rift we can't come back from.

What saddens me is that people are okay with censorship. To silence the voice that opposes yours. All I see are Lefty memes that are ignorant to reality. And we will be getting more.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Ashli Babbitt Got Murdered

 You think about the months and months of Black Lives Matter riots and looting and the Anti-Fa terrorist groups burn down shops and steal from small businesses, IF you stayed silent in regards to that, your voice towards the riots on the Capitol is complete dogshit. That's most of you idiots who've posted countless memes and outrage towards this. You're complete idiots.

For one thing, the ones you supposedly want just for were wife-beaters, drug dealers and general scum of the Earth. If you say Ashli Babbitt deserved what she got, you most definitely believe these Black criminals did as well.

Oh, but Ms. Babbitt wasn't a criminal. No criminal record. She was a 14 year veteran who just happened to support Donald Trump. Now, if you go down this Babbitt rabbit hole (yes, I was going there), you will see her social media posts are all about this cultist love for the guy. I don't like Trump. As I've mentioned REPEATEDLY, he is an obnoxious New Yorker. The kind I hate. Also he's an old White dude who probably would call the cops on me. That said, his policies for America actually were pretty damn good. His foreign policy (like anyone really cares) was amazing.

But because the Left love personality...they hate him. In total.

Any way, Ashli's page is pretty devout and, to be honest, annoying. The same hate the Left have for Trump is equal to the admiration Ashli has. HOWEVER, she also served and loved America. And if mainstream legacy media were honest...they'd paint her out to be so.

Instead, they're garbage vomit shit that deserve to be burned to the ground (don't do it, just wish a cigarette falls into their boiler room or something). The media is sickening puke trash. Journalism is dead.

This pretty much puts an exclamation point to all the facts of real news.

I deal with idiots at work who are total Lefties. They don't necessarily celebrate the death of a person, but secretly they are glad there's one less Trump supporter. They are morons. And I tell them. If they choose to bring it up, I do backhand them with my sharp comments about how retarded Biden/Harris are. They are. And they aren't the answer.

The answer is...we need Americans who aren't beholden to career politics. Biden is. He's a sell out and Kamala Harris is willing to sell out. You know it. If you don't, you're in denial. A 47 year old career politician who has actual Ku Klux Klan friends is scum. Harris is absolute garbage. California, her home state, is particularly baffled how she got to where she was.

It's not sore losing, if you cheated to get there. And the money of the Left certainly funded this absolute farce.

There are a lot of White Americans in the "fly over" states that are gearing up. And they're angry. The perspective of both sides are so skewed they can't think straight. I'm not sure Biden is aware how many people hate him to the core. Black or White. He is, at the very least, useless.

We need a third party or more Ashli Babbitt's will think they can storm a Capitol and not get shot.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Storming The Capitol

 Look, Biden didn't win the Presidency. His powerful money people stole it. A lot of dumb people are okay with this. That's how they will conduct their lives. I pity them. I don't want to win in anything like this. People who were raised believing they deserved a trophy regardless, do.

Or will we ever know the truth?

Any way, a bunch of supposed Trump supporters disrupted the confirmation hearing. Some say they were MAGA nuts. Others say it's Anti-Fa.

I tend to believe it's Anti-Fa fuckers. They've been pitting both sides against each other because they're bored White middle class honkies.

By the way, it just occurred to me why they call White folk "honkies" in honky tonk.

I digress.

Of course media is already painting this out to be a Trump supporter crazy insanity. And blame him.

All because they were afraid to investigate how idiot Biden didn't win this stupid fucking election. I still can't believe people are okay with theft. I shouldn't say "people" y'all believe 81 million people voted for Biden are mouth drooling retards.

So chaos ensued. As predicted.

Funny how the Left never spoke up when Black Marxist Lives Matter and Anti-Fa were burning shit down. But we all know the culture flows with the weak minded Left. You all follow the herd. Strange is seeing the ones come out of the woodwork to quickly lay blame.

Fuck you the most.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

The Know-It-All

 I work with a guy, when you point an interesting thing out, he reacts as if it was obvious when you know he didn't know.

I'm feel like this comes from a place of insecurity.

I am always fascinate by new information. Or I'll dig deeper.

"Did you know that the crocodile can run faster than a human?"

Me: "Holy shit, that's real? Man, that's nuts. How is that possible? Their arms are so short, no?"

This guy at works reaction is "yeah."

Dude, have a reaction that tells people you have a pulse.

This type of person won't get far in life (and hasn't). Because he isn't interested in anything that he didn't discover himself. In other words, he believes he is the smartest guy in the room.

Now this blog may have you believe I believe I am the smartest guy in the room. But, in truth, I am the slowest on the uptake. Which is why I ask questions. And to a lot of people, it baffles them. I call it conversation. A lot of people don't like being grilled like this, because it is challenging. Or maybe they've spent a lifetime with people telling them to shut up.

You CANNOT make movies and be a know-it-all. Making movies is not about lecturing. It is about discovery.

Keys To Writing Your Screenplay

 Keep butt in seat.

Write anything. DO NOT EDIT.

DO NOT tell anyone about your idea. Why? It kills the energy because many well intentioned people ask questions and most of their questions are logistical, long winded exploratory shit that bogs down a solid story. This is about movies. NOT logic. The logic works in your universe.

Finish what you start. Regardless of what you wrote is good or not. KEEP WRITING. I know, you think it sucks.  You probably drive around hating yourself and your story. You aren't alone. Most writers hate their stuff. They hate you. And will probably hate the world. BUT, push forward. The minute you stop, you are dead in the water. I've experienced this way too many times to remember. Stephen J. Cannell's advice was to always finish what you start. He created shows for a living.

Never edit your first draft until AFTER it's done. You've most likely heard this one the most. When you backpedal any of your ideas, they start to unravel. Then you panic and then write yourself into a corner. Boy, that is the worst feeling. Because that initial great idea you had becomes a slop bucket. Move forward and write your way out.

Don't count pages. This one kills me. Because I don't have enough words to fill a full movie in my head. Because I get anchored with details. This is a BAD habit. THEN you start to formulate structure based on some book like "Save The Cat." And you realize your script doesn't fit that. And then you quit.

Don't be discouraged. I mean you can. But if you are starting out...why? You aren't Ernest Lehmann off the bat. Yes, writing and even screenwriting is a specific talent. Made better the more you write.

Have a comfortable writing space. Specifically one where you look forward to going. I use my bedroom as an office. And it's against my neighbor's wall. Which sucks because I dread going in there to write. Most writers go to a coffee shop. I find this distracting. My favorite place to write is actually at the local cemetery. It's quiet. And you have time to reflect. And you aren't distracted by stupid stuff, like the internet.

TURN OFF YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA. Social media does the worst things to writers. It makes you think people are doing more than you (which they are, if you're worried about that). But also, it is a never ending rabbit hole. Especially if you are political.

Writing is a lonely place to be. You probably want to reach out to someone to collaborate. Honestly, I find it bad to do that. Especially if you started the story. The person who suggests ideas don't know what's in your mind. For me, if I ever reach out to a writer, I give them broad strokes and let them write the entire thing. Then I adjust as necessary. Having someone you trust write based on an outline is okay. If they're okay with it.

A good story. That's all we want. It doesn't have to be Godzilla vs. King Kong. It can be small and SHOULD be small. Human drama is, to me, much more satisfying. It doesn't have to be a self-important political topic of the time because you hate the government. Those are better produced by Hollywood bigwigs. They make it MUCH more interesting. But keeping it simple makes a difference. For me, I like the stories that shape who we are and how we exist with each other. I noticed a lot of people in my film school would write about questioning religion. This was overplayed. Followed by how abusive their parents were. I think it's perfectly okay to write a better drama if it's about making the world better. In small ways. Between friends or family. Human behavior is fascinating. And it also bonds the world better.

Never underestimate your ability to question human interaction. Observe people not through the lens of the internet. But really look at people. Show interest in people. The best writer and directors I know are fascinated by something. Most people are not. Most people just look at someone doing something dumb and say "Well, that's Joe" To me, I want to know why Joe acts the fool. And in a deeper sense, perhaps Joe comes from a shitty life that requires he always puts on a smiling face.

One of my friends who does animation is deep into Asian drama. His movies are melodramatic BUT very effective. Because I can see, for him, it's all about questioning male/female relationships and how duplicitous we are to our emotions and passions. This is where he shines. When I see him do other types of films, I see he falters.

When people say write what you know...I think that should be changed to write what you're curious about.