Saturday, June 3, 2017

Paris Climate Accord

in 2015 196 countries made a pact to adopt green energy sources cut down n climate change emissions and limit the rise of global temperatures. This is basically telling everyone, threat of climate change needs to be addressed and combated.
It lays out what must be done to roll back the damage we've already done. Which...let's face it, the 1970's alone with our cars fucked up the world. China is just as awful. But to be honest...when I first came out to Hollywood, the smog was so awful I was coughing up dark stuff in the morning. Now the air actually is clearer.

Here's the hub bub...some people lost their fucking minds when Donald Trump pulled us from the treaty. This treaty wasn't a bound contract, per se, only a sign of good will. To which we'd pledged $6 billion dollars. Yes folks, BILLION. And this money is a hefty chunk. Out of the 196 countries, it is the majority. Germany wasn't ponying up as much, nor was the's the simplistic view of it from how I read into it:
Say you own a home in a community that requires that you pay an Home Owner's Association fee. In California this is a community pot put together to maintain the general upkeep of the community. Money, in some cases is used for community improvements. Let's say you were the only person paying it. Or paying the bulk of it. Meanwhile, the other residents sort of let their homes go to shit. They pull from the pot to fix up their own homes. Would you consider this fair?

And as the words "green" and "climate emergency" is injected into this thing, tree-huggers are going out of their fucking heads over us pulling out from it.

Ahem...dumbfucks...we implemented a strict emissions standard decades ago. That's why Hollywood doesn't look like China anymore. The smog has dissipated. Mostly because these shit ass pickup trucks were being busted (not enough, as far as I'm concerned). So us pulling out from this's all smoke and mirrors. Except for our wallet. Is the sole reason these folks are up in arms.

It's most likely as the U.S. has pulled out, the system will collapse. There's been a pledge from a few people like formal mayor Bloomberg to throw into the pot. Know why? He knows it's a bust. Like putting money into a Crowdfunding you know will never meets its goals. But Hell, he looks great trying.

The point being, we don't need a pact to do what's right. And we saved money which would've been used to fix someone else's yard from it. It was a complete bureaucratic waste of money that we were so up in arms to shout down. Because we thought they wanted to kill the environment.

Man, trigger words are effective. Must be more careful.

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