Saturday, May 6, 2017

Your Stupid Movie Idea Sucks

I've said this a lot. To people who gave up after hearing their idea wouldn't work. Though I rarely say it like that...they take it like that.

Here's the deal MY ideas suck shit. Serious cowshit suck. I'm somewhat depressed watching garbage I've made in the past. So what? I still make my project. Scratch that, I write it and film it. And I'm so unbelievably proud of that.

Here's the colossal fucking shitbag I hate...the moron who doesn't read a script and proceeds to give opinions and then whines when they're not implemented. Or that we don't see him/her as the cinema genius. I'm dealing with that dude now. I shit you not. This guy believes his ideas should be taken seriously...when he didn't even read the script. Are you laughing yet? Then holds a grudge. And more than likely is spreading his version of how the present project sucks because his ideas weren't done (which they were, he's a dumbfuck film school graduate relying on book learning and not practical knowledge. Also, the director took him seriously...because she seems to think he knows what he's talking about. EVERY single project I've shot...I don't inject my ideas unless I read the script. Nor have I ever guided the project towards my vision. It is NOT my movie. If you are drowning I will help. Otherwise...I ask questions or just there for support.

This idiot is so clueless. So, here's what I tell him "make your own movie. It's not as easy as you think outside of school." Haven't heard from him since.

That...people is why this business sucks. When people like this can have any say is beyond me.

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