Tuesday, May 16, 2017

People Fighting At Airports

What is going on with passengers and flying?
Yeah, I blame the passengers because all you have to do is spend a few hours to get to your destination...the people working spend their lives there.

In this new world bullshit whiny bitchtown, people are getting more and more...no I can't say it, because they've always been this way...entitled. When they dropped the prices of tickets, dumb poor idiots got on the plane. Guess who causes all this ruckus? Inbred stupid "look Mama we-flyin' rich" dum-dums. God, I hate those people.

Take for example the family that brought a cake on board and then were outraged when they were asked to get that fucking thing off.
part one: Do they not make cakes where you're going?
part two: Read your fucking ticket
part three: You know how people got people out of prison back in the day? Nail files in cakes.
part four: Don't fuck with stewardesses.
A simple apology and away we go, does much more than throwing a tantrum. Over a fucking cake.

Now, I'm sure this wasn't the full story. Which they will sort out, and of course, customers will be compensated. But something is going on with our lives now that is causing all this. It may be what is a sore loser mentality. Which is...because they didn't get their way, they see others bitch whine and cry until people just give in. Works for lawyers who sue over the stupidest things (and win). These parasites are killing America. Which is why a mass amount of these cry-babies are doubling down on Trump. Imagine if Obama got the same shit. There'd be cries of racism. Which there were. By the way, him being jammed down our throats made America's race problem worse. This is fact. Not that I don't think he didn't do a good job, but if his platform is of unity, he fucked that up royally.

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