Thursday, May 25, 2017

Obama In Berlin

So Obama went to Germany at the invitation of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. I guess after World War too we fucked up Germany so bad they turned into a greasy pussy. Because he's there to preach to the choir. It's really not that hard for pussies to nod their head to the jive of a person they agree with (another pussy). And I get why he's doing it (like a washed up glory-days quarterback), because he needs to feel loved by masses (guess who else the Germans loved in mass?).

When I am not at the office, it's typically unnerving for me to take things like coffee or tea or a soda. It feels weird. So Obama is no longer President of The United States...the fuck is he taking road trips for? And has anyone tallied this fucking turd's Secret Service detail.

I don't give a fuck if he travels or spends more taxpayer money to do so, but let's shed a little bit of criticism for this guy from the left, if we are to be honest about fair practices.

This country seems to be peeved about Trump playing gold in Mar-a-lago and living in his wife living in Trump towers, and I get that. Guy should be working. Golf is for stupid motherfuckers. I mean, DUMB dicks who just need a reason to chill with buddies and NOT do shit. Some believe business practices are conducted through golf. Especially in Asia, but these examples both sides are setting are unsettling. I'm a retard, and even I can tell when people are fleecing America.

They truly have contempt for us.

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