Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Sanctuary Cities

I often think about that Vic Morrow episode of "Twilight Zone" where he's a massive racist and he is then sent to different periods of time, but this time...he's on the opposite end of it. He has to face racism. And then his head got chopped off by a helicopter.

The concept of sanctuary cities is weird to me. The politicians of this state of California understand one thing...they are becoming the majority. And guess whose vote they need?

I love the concept of harboring good people who want to contribute to America. Who doesn't? The problem...these scumbag politicians are using it for illegal votes. So they can remain in power. So they can...do good? What the fuck has our mayor or governor done? They bitch about the homeless problem. Yeah, stupid fuck...on YOUR watch. This is how stupid this town is. It's the same when people in the audience of award shows clap when a minority or woman says something about being marginalized in the movie business. Yeah, you fucktards...YOU are the ones doing this. It's like they hide their stupid behavior through the gauze of the welfare of people. NOPE. It's all about getting stupid people to vote for them. And they have. So they can give more speeches about how fucked up the city is. Because they fucked it up. Are we this fucking stupid?

If it isn't working, you get rid of these assholes.

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