Monday, May 29, 2017

"Whisky Tango Foxtrot" (2016)

Liz Lemon in Afghanistan.
There are no surprises here. Tina Fey plays Kim Baker, an embedded journalist who is bored with her life and needs to see some excitement. Juggling comedy and grim reality with odd random swearing in an obvious attempt at making Fey less "likeable" and then shoehorning her self-referential style is...uncomfortable.

The movie is a meandering mess. It plays the war as something of a media diving board or the public's fickle interest. Maybe. Or maybe that's how her news station sees it. Incidentally, for a supposed serious news station (feels like CNN) it really seems more like local t.v. Very surprised that the banter, which is suppose to feel like Editor Lou Grant falls because though Fey really plays up her own flaws, she wouldn't go THAT far as to be subservient to men.

There is another embedded newscaster in the sex-bomb Margot Robbie. This was the funniest part, since no one with her looks and her brains would be there. She'd most likely strip before hand. The best she could do is maybe make light of her looks in a foreign market way. NOT in comparison to Liz Lemon...I mean Kim Baker. For instance, a pretty face in Sweden, there is no acknowledgement of it.

The love interest (unbelievable that they jammed one of these in) is...typical "30 Rock" pasty faced Scottish fellow who is known to be a Cassanova by using his accent to swoon females. All two of them, from the time spent with the group. He is mentioned as a cad, but he is, again, the mealy mouth goof-ball of ALL Tina Fey comedy. Does it surprise you that it was written by "30 Rock" Robert Carlock.

It's a watchable movie on a slow night. But for the most part, it's also really old hat. Situations that are impossible, though most likely occurred give you an eye-rolling moment. For Fey, you really don't believe she has that strength in real life. I wonder how closely they followed the book written by Kim Barker "The Taliban Shuffle" to their detriment. Is this a woman's agenda? I couldn't tell. Also, for was near impossible to judge who this was aimed at. Bored, rich, television personalities that purposely throw themselves into danger MAY be a Lifetime movie scenario. So why put it in theaters?

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