Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Ariana Grande Concert Interrupted By Terrorism

This headline is false, because Grande played, got off the stage and as kids were exiting that's when the horror happened.

ISIS is claiming this bombing for themselves. Which I was actually surprised. Who would be proud to hurt teenage girls? Well, Radical Islamic terrorist. They are now in a different arena. Killing adults is one thing, this was teenboppers. But...sorry, if you preach the incorporation of all religion, in a free society they will use this against you. They've admitted to it. Now here's the deal...as a liberal, you have to wonder if this fight for fear doesn't incorporate your own disgust for the present President.  Most likely. You have to come to terms that they have bastardized their own religion for the sake of anger towards Western culture. Look, you don't see Klan members infiltrating the Middle East blowing themselves up. This whole argument about Timothy McVeigh and whatnot...is so moronic. His terrorism/ideology isn't rooted in something more people subscribed too. Islam is. And will continue despite how peaceful you think the religion is.

Now I know Muslims who have zero beef with America. Those voices are somehow never heard. Or never said. No shit, Muslims are not bad people, but some bad Muslims are doing some bad shit.

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