Friday, May 19, 2017

The Racist Press

Interesting that they never mention the ethnicity of the guy (Hispanic) who drove a 2009 Honda through a crowd of people killing a teenager and injuring 22 other people. But when it's a cop who shoots a Black man, that is the two words they don't have a problem typing.

What is the double standard here? Do they want us to hate cops? Hate Blacks? Can you think of any other reason not to mention these details?

Because that's what it sounds like. For instance..."A Hispanic man drove his car into a crowd in Times Square killing a 18 year old White girl." It's that obvious, yet...the powers that write seem to leave these details out in this case, salivate when it's White cop on Blacks. I'd prefer no information at all over this clear case of poor reporting. Because it's inciting. It's angry. The other...well, we can't be labeled a racist. And neither can the poor sap who writes it, or the editor who has to answer to the owner. And the owner who thinks the public is this dumb.

This is why Trump calls this shit "fake news." It's not fake news, it's really Selective News.

Alyssa Elsman...the 18 year old victim:

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