Friday, May 19, 2017

"Terminator: Genisys" (2015)

This movie is awful. I mean…a student who just started film school who was a fanboy of the series could’ve made something much more interesting.
This is a school production of Terminator played by a GODAWFUL Emilia Clarke as the new Sarah Connor. Take a look at Linda Hamilton and then this stupid fucking looking idiot and you see how one works and the other doesn’t. Guess who else is miscasted..Kyle Reese. Yes, he is played by a very cornball TERRIBLE actor Jai Courtney. Why does the industry like this guy? I’m really confused. He is dumb beyond belief, and in some painful new world order, he is pussy-whipped. There is no way this doucheface holds a candle to Michael Biehn’s feisty warrior . This generation is left with a spineless turd of a resistance fighter more interested in his gay love affair with John Connor than the girl he’s suppose to “mate” with. Yeah, the entire time WE know he’s John Connor’s Pop. So why is it a surprise and why did they take this time to remind shitbag of this? Oh right, to include the idiots who hadn’t watched the good Terminator movies. That guy who plays John Connor (Jason Clarke)...I hope he stops acting. He is terrible with no signs of improving. I've NEVER said that about any actor. His face is really stupid. And he looks confused.
Then they drag poor Arnold Schwarzenegger into this mess. The guy is a hot mess since fucking over California. This is his reward to us. A guy relegated to very bad one liners. Could fucking Paramount not hire an older writer to punch up the story? Jesus. This movie had to be written by a retarded child. Or a person who doesn’t speak English. Or both. It is unbelievably awful.
So, I’ll ruin this shit for you. Kyle Reese is sent back in time only to realize he ended up in some alternate universe where he has to go forward to 2017 to stop Cyberdyne Systems of releasing something that resembles a cloud system where artificial intelligence takes over. Sarah and Kyle get to the future (or our present) and there they run into John Connor. Except he has (laughing) been converted into some magnetic intelligence to protect the birth of this thing called Genisys. We’re back to humans versus artificial intelligence and how we’re about to be obsolete. Fuck, no wonder Chris Cornell killed himself. This fucking new world SUCKS. Which I wish they would focus in this movie more. They touch upon our reliance of information being so casually shared and people glued to their devices. The new practical way of infiltrating humanity…through their own stupidity of the internet. Yup. And it is but just a matter of time though. Because the algorithm to choose your life for you is already in place. What you read, what you buy…it’s natural for the powers that be to slowly crank you down to nothing.
Hey how about this…the media is causing all of us to turn on one another. It’s easy, introduce race relations. Human flaw: emotions. None of this is really addressed in this movie.
Plus, for a gazillion budgeted movie, MAN…did this thing look cheap. Like phony CGI, people being thrown through drywall AND concrete. This was the saddest part. Back in 1984, it looked SO much better. The stunts looked amazing (and actually painful). This was a very sad entry to a franchise that is in the dumpster. I guess James Cameron gets the rights back soon. And maybe he can fix what is so wrong with this series. Though, he endorsed this trainwreck that hit a carwreck. So his brain may be fried. This may be one of the Terminators that people mock in irony. It’s that bad.

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