Monday, May 8, 2017

EJ DeVaughn Got Into Harvard!

Yippee, great! Hooray!

Because he's a Black kid from Compton!
Oh Hell yeah!!!

Nope. You stupid fucking media people are feeding the patronizing drum of idiocy.

A great national news ISN'T Black kid from Compton, California does something...every other teen in my high school went to Ivy.

The story is how many. And THAT is the problem of this whole fucking society. You are drawing light to a person who is doing what you SHOULD be doing. Is that the message? Than it's as racist as any slur you can imagine. Because you don't think Blacks from Compton can ever be anything but gangbangers.

Because you're basically saying it's an anomaly that this happens. That it's an albino alligator. You are celebrating the fact that he wasn't killed because his neighborhood is shit? Really? This is news worthy? There are millions of Chinese and Indian who live in far worse poverty that have gotten into better schools, and America decides we have to honor this. Great for DeVaughn, but, tragic for where we are a society.
I'm sure he's a great kid and very nice of him to do something with his life...but....

This is like giving a cripple kid a medal because he tried out for the Summer Olympics and finished.

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