Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Movies Are Poorly Constructed

I got a letter from Amazon Prime telling me...I had their service AND that I hadn't watched anything on their video service yet. That was nice of them...to get me hooked.

Anyway, I've had this service for a while now...and what exactly did I first watch?
"Days of Thunder." Damn is that movie bad. It's really bad. BUT...BUTTTTT...it's a fucking well made movie.

I think this generation is going to deeply miss well made movies that are bad. Seriously. These bad movies today are just...bad. Even good movies today are bad. And you can tell from the audiences, they're stupid fucking morons who kick everything aside...after they watch it. I couldn't tell you a single quotable interesting line from the most popular movie of last year "Deadpool." Why? Well, you could say it needs repeated viewing. Nope. It's so stupid to watch, it just goes by like the wind. Maybe kids do parties with it or something. I recall a movie like "Nightmare On Elm Street" which is a dumb movie. Really, watch it again. It's silly. But, it's so well made. And you can tell the people behind it cared. Okay, remember "Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade"? Yeah, remember how much you hated it? Watch it again. I don't think you could turn it off. I hated that movie, until I watched it again on Amazon Prime, and...it's REALLY REALLY well conceived and made.

I think it's a combination of a few things. For one, productions only get 30 or less days to make movies now. That's 1/3 of what it use to be. It use to take a year to put a movie together. This shit now is churned out in less time than it would to prepare a feature back in the day. Because most people don't care. Even big blockbuster movies shoot all on greenscreen and that takes...nothing. The money is spent in post production. That's garbage. It also means, forget the story. Some argue, that's why Pixar movies do so well. Would it surprise you those scripts take over 3 years to develop?

I do like that people do crank out content this fast. It means they're at least reading or writing. But the speed also means having to sift through total terribly made garbage. There is something to be said about shitty producers who stand in the way of a movie you want to make, because it makes you have to defend your shittyness. But it also makes you ask yourself real questions. Though most are dumb, a LOT do bring up real questions.

I just miss the craft (again) of making movies. You can't just jump into something that requires you to expound THAT much energy and pain and sleeplessness. You really wanted to want to make this movie. And I miss those days. I really do.

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