Monday, May 8, 2017

"Where To Invade Next" (2015)

Bloated muckrakin’ Michael Moore has always been a “do what I say, not as I do” guy. He’s a wealthy movie maker who’s first documentary got me crackin’ up. “Roger and Me” was the best sarcastic response to an auto company that attempted to screw over American union auto workers. And they did. And Detroit, Flint or whatever in Michigan goes on to suffer. Did we listen? Nope. They screwed that water up like the auto industry and wonder why, if Americans are THIS clueless about their government…the government doesn’t take full advantage. Which they have.
A lot of great ideas in this mockumentary. I’m not saying what he’s saying is false. What I’ve gathered is that he hit upon the one thing that made America great AND also tore it apart are these individual ideas that collectively cannot survive. Moore’s biggest problem here is to wave a mirror on us and expect it to take hold. This isn’t going to happen because…honestly…he’s pointing the finger at the wrong people BECAUSE he’s pointing in every direction. It’s rich White old people’s fault. It’s the criminal system’s fault. It’s bankers fault. I completely understand. I wish we could’ve thrown those bankers down a pit and buried them in a hole. Those assholes couldn’t get rich enough. Except here’s the problem..Moore NEVER explained that the mortgage issue was simply…offering these deals to uneducated poor people who couldn’t afford the homes they were essentially given for free. Yes, he blames the collapse of the banks BUT never blames personal accountability which means…not knowing you couldn’t afford a house but buy it anyway.
In the different countries he visits to “invade and take their great ideas” he isn’t giving all the facts. How Europe’s ideology was to pool money and re-distribute. So those Italians enjoying all those vacation days is really taking from other countries that don’t follow that ideology. This is the true reason Greece is broke AND desperate for that collective money. Now that Britain is exiting the alliance, a lot of other countries will be cut off and the real show will begin. Why doesn’t Moore address this? Instead, he goes to countries like Norway, Iceland, Tunisa, Italy, Germany, places SO tiny and so homogenized it’s comical to compare to America which faces double the population and a vastly different culture holes. This isn’t by America’s design. It’s by the cultures which immigrate to America and decide to segregate themselves. The notion of looking out for your neighbor is a two way street to which is never mentioned as well.
He does make an interesting arrow chart correlation between the crackdown on drugs and slowly building the prison population for cheap labor. It’s a bit of a stretch but if one were so inclined to be guided, it is a legitimate slide.
I get what Moore is attempting to do. Draw attention to what made America great. I reminisce a lot about it too. As I’ve said, there was an unspoken respect for one another when I grew up. They had street 4th of July parades. The liberals most likely put a stop to that. Because that would exclude people who didn’t believe in 4th of July. Or they find something offensive about it. THIS was the unspoken contract between immigrants that we loved our adoptive country and would go along with the sparklers and fireworks. If only to feel more American. That is respect for the land that accepted you. Today…the entitlement comes from wanting and taking and never giving back. America asks SO very little of you. A simple (boring) allegiance to the country and to each other. It’s not that hard. Instead, people fly their home country’s flag and shit all over America because it’s most likely fashion

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