Wednesday, November 9, 2016

President Donald Trump

Remember in "Back To The Future"..."Mayor Goldie Wilson....I like the sound of that"
I hate the sound of Pres Donald Trump. bad. What I really hate...I didn't realize how whiny the people I know on Facebook are. Really..America is stupid? No they're not...they're fed up. Sick of the previous 8 years that wasn't working. You know the only difference between Trump and Obama was...Trump says what's on his mind. Obama, you know he hates Whitey but holds his tongue. Maybe "hate" is too strong of a word. He distrust them. And minority whiners. Which we've proven to be true. Trump is pretty much Lyndon Johnson after Kennedy. Blustery roughneck. But, nothing much will change. Except possibly more assassination attempts. But even then. It'll be funny. Trump is funnier than people expect. People claim him to be the devil, but he is a frat guy. Oh how I loathe them. But he also is more harmless than people are giving him credit for. Maybe not. Fuck...I'm no politician.
What the left didn't see is that no one...likes a snake in the cut. Clintons are too devious for words. Trump is both transparent and annoying, so you sense he's as real as it gets.
Again, people are blowing things out of proportion. It's weird to see Trump president, but so was Reagan. The numbers spoke, and what they said is...they don't like Hillary.

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