Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Terrorism At Christmas

A Russian Ambassador was gunned down.
A truck runs into a crowd of Christmas revelers and shoppers in Berlin.

You know what kept these animals at bay.

Movies with Chuck Norris and Ah-nold. And to a lesser extent, Van-Damme.

See, we're all not as bright as you think we are. So the invention of the internet sort of caused us to have more power than we think we have. I know no one reads my shit, but it's fun to post these rants. But, should anyone take me seriously, I've no recourse only to say...how dumb are you?

That said, terrorists are now using the same thing we use to watch porn, to recruit monsters. Monsters have no moral compass. So they rely on people to tell them to do things. Mental things. Things society would never consider. Unless, they are mentally ill and think these political anger angle works. Which is seems to do. Obama needs to stop with the repetitive forgive and forget. Because he's seriously looking like the biggest idiot on the planet.

Good will and all that doesn't work. In this world. Instead, this opens the flood gate to worse. And that's just really stupid. How many times do we need to go down this tragic well before it is finally acknowledged that certain people in this world are out to murder all of us.

Fuckin sad times during holidays.

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