Thursday, November 17, 2016

White Privilege

I think if you ask any brown or black person if White privilege exists in America...oh boy! I know it does as I saw it first hand. For the most part rich Whitey isn't afraid of you. They want you to do better and get money and feel better about you don't rob them. Simple.
I grew up with rich Whitey. Man, was I jealous. They had fancier cars, nicer clothes, great vacations. Meanwhile, I sat in my folk's leaky basement. I remember our neighbors across the street had the only pool in the neighborhood. I went swimming there a few times. Then never heard from again. The family was from Kentucky. Not sure if it were a race thing, since I still hung out with their son, but it felt like it. A White person in this situation would most likely shrug off the slight. I didn't even recognize as a kid until my oldest sister brougbt it up. She's experienced worst as she was older to know better. Imagine a Black fellow who experiences these little things for years.

I've been pulled over for real issues. Most likely Blacks just because they have a nice car or are in a nice neighborhood. It doesn't help that some of these folks thump music drawing this type of attention unnecesarily. Yeah...not all, but you know that's the case.

Does White privilege get you the job? I'm not sure. I have a friend now whom I spent a few months working with only to have management not call him back. Meanwhile, he's waiting by the phone with a very sick wife and he's near broke. Do you think he feels that privilege?

Look, I'm sure a lot of this "privilege" isn't made up to excuse why you haven't gone further in life. Or just fucking lazy. There are times that I do feel some White folk get a break. But I can't use that as an excuse as to why I haven't done more. I argue with this Filipino dude at work about it. He believes America systemically oppresses brown people. And won't change. Though he's been able to buy a house and raise a mixed-race family. I consider that the major issue. Not knowing what you are capable of but worrying what others take from you.

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