Thursday, December 15, 2016

No One Owes You Anything..

...and you're not required to do anything either.

I think once you get locked in with family and kids, all these sentiments get tossed away. Pride means nothing. Which is why, if you decide to get into movie business, the creative side, you have to come to terms with the may end up lonely and at the mercy of those who keep you afloat in this town.
Is it possible to juggle both? Yes. However, there is always a shakeup and uncertainty that you have to be okay with. The older you are, the less you may feel okay with. I work with 60 year old dudes who are cranky because of uncertainty.  In post production, which is suppose to be certain. They've grown tired and weary and tossed around to end up in something a little more secure. I'm in my 40's and end up here.
It's probably the same in most professions. Office politics constantly dictate the mood. Though, when you put together washed-up former dreamers, the results can be disastrous.

Let's be honest here, we're all desperately trying to get by with more happiet days than sad. Damage control or panic stabs us deep into that core of the happiet days. People may get married and have kids assuming to have better days away from the ones at work. Entirely possible. But, I think the odds tend to be that you tack on more stress.

I have a co-worker who is the complete opposite though. He'd got two kids and a wife and a house, same age as me, and I've not seen him worry much. Even though he's got money issues and job dissatisfaction. Maybe he just doesn't speak of it openly. Which, I guess wouldn't be all that professional. He goes with the flow.

But, the band still played on the deck of the Titanic. So....what can you do.

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