Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Burning The American Flag

Most people know not what they burn.
I wasn't born here, so I understand what it meant to find the stars and stripes. And what it meant for my family. Not to get corny, but I think I appreciate it a lot more, because it gave so us a life in comfort. Dumb comfort. So when people burn the flag, because they didn't get their way...it is insulting. Though, protected under the Constitution, it still irks me. And should irk true Americans.

It's more strange that Americans, I mean born here, don't hold the American flag in that reverence it deserves. We mouth the words of our anthem and take a knee to prove our dissidence to the rules that have turned on us. I think the whole issue of the revolution against England wasn't meant for people to now turn on their own. We've spent way too much time fighting among ourselves already. There is no more unity.

So it sickens me when people burn the American flag. Since it means something to me, but a cloth to someone else. Trump says people should be fined or serve jail time for it. A sticky wicket to navigate. Since we should already feel obligated NOT to. Which, when theses idiots who do, complain about government intervention or more rules to govern us, it's because of stupidity like this.

Burn your bra instead. Love me some floppers.

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