Wednesday, November 2, 2016

"Keeping Up With The Joneses" (2016)

I don't even like Zach Galfinakis, so here I am writing a positive review on him AND this flick. It's a mentality stunted movie. Fine. It's got issues, but nothing that any other movie doesn't have.

The story is of Jeff Gaffney. A sad sack of a defense contractor worker. Well...he's in the human resources which we assume means, he knows people. In fact, they repeatedly tell you this. And it pays off when it needs to. This movie isn't about the plot. Nor the story, but of a bored suburban couple desperate for a little change in their life. Enter The Joneses. Tim Jones is played by Jon Hamm, a slick hunky travel writer, whereas his wife is a stunning beauty in the form of Gal Gadot. She is Natalie Jones. The ever suspicious Karen Gaffney, played by balls-to-the-walls Isla Fisher adds the zest to the Dad-joked infected Jeff. She is a the past. You think. Or a sweet girl with in a supple sex-kitten body. She is instantly on to the Joneses and drags her hapless husband along.

This movie isn't ground breaking. It's corny at best. And does what it needs to do. Another bygone era slapsticky movie that requires that both parties are fun. And they are. Hamm and Galfinakis have a great schtick with each other. Gal Gadot's sexy spy thing works for her. And her and Hamm's bickering adds a fun levity to the mix. When sophisticated people act goofy, it's always fun.

Look, I have no idea why the immense hate for this movie. Though it does feel underwhelming at the end. You would assume their relationship could last the adventure they've just been through. I had a good time. So that's all that matters.

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