Monday, November 14, 2016

Okay...Now I Really Feel Bad For White Folk

In the wake of a Trump presidential victory, which I still can't believe I'm White friends are desperately attempting to disassociate themselves from the other White ones who are...a little rougher when it comes to making America White again. That suuuuuucks. Because the thing is...these are the same people who adamantly defend Muslims against having to speak up against the militant ones. That's why America rules. And folks, why White Americans should be seen as cool. The reason being that White America will risk losing friends and family to stand by the conviction of the American spirit. Not exclusively, as there are Hispanic and Blacks in military that defend our ability to do these things. I feel White America gets a bad rap even though they scream how much they disapprove of the "White Wash" rule.

It says to me...everyone is much more kind hearted than the dude taking over would have you believe. Or whom you assume is a bigot. If you've never had a prejudicial thought in your head, I'd know you were full of shit.

Enjoy the next 4 years and do your best to not stress where stress isn't needed. My own health suffers these days because of it. I know people are trying to be pre-emptive, but most of us are trying to move along.
Remember..we're the UNITED Fucking States. No one fucks with us and gets away with it.
(Unless you have something we want, preferably your hot women and oil).

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