Sunday, October 23, 2016

Ohio...For The Win!

Since 1964, the American President has been decided by Ohio. Whomever Ohio goes with...wins. That's a very dubious distinction. Considering how small the state is. Or maybe more prophetic how different we are within that state. Mid-America working class peeps would sway correctly. If you think about the polarized states does make sense.

This election may be different though. It's an odd duck, since we're not voting candidates here. We're picking the less offensive one. So many superlatives thrown around this election. For example..."this is THE single most disgusting show of alleyway political tactics ever." Not really. It's always been tactless. This is what they call transparency. And what did we see. Everything we suspected but didn't think we'd see. We're all tantrum throwing babies. Politicians are the worst. But we're stuck with this. Now winding down, mercifully,  to a burning halt.

I'm not sure you can predict what is to happen here. No one is going to be graceful in defeat. Though, thankfully, will disappear.

For those who believe there are better I use to...there isn't. Trump, if anything, you can drag any pig into the mud with him. If it weren't Hillary it would be some other poor slob. Would Bernie fare better...honestly...I think he pussed out. To which, Trump would've freely grabbed. We sent an ogre to fight a swamp witch..meanwhile...our village will burn no matter what.

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