Saturday, April 1, 2017


I've been thinking long and hard about the film industry lately...and finished re-reading Sidney Lumet's book on filmmaking.

He predicted the future. Which was movies being created by committee. Not only that...but that superhero movies overshadowed human drama stories. This was 1995...which was his last update. Not necessarily Kreskin, but still miraculous in that it was a warning to all filmmakers and dreamers of making movies...your stupid drama isn't worth shit anymore.

When I grew meant a lot. "The Godfather" meant something. "Kramer vs. Kramer" was about something. "Being There" was about something. And they played in theaters. Filmmakers being adult making adult movies. Instead now we have stunted adulted making stunted adult movies. "Guardians of the Galaxy" is a stunted adult saving the universe. Truth? That asshole couldn't read a road map. And they celebrate this. "Deadpool" in substance. He and his girlfriend talk about...pop culture.

Is this real life? God, I hope not. Real life is the sum of many moving parts. Not vomited versions of things we watch. There are two people under the age of 30 now I speak to who can't function without referring to another movie. These people want to make movies. And now the present culture will allow it.

Am I being an old fogie who can't embrace the new structure? Possibly. Everyone is scared and has to make a buck. It's just such a shame we're now regurgitating sequels and franchises over new interesting concepts. Thank God for the success of "Get Out". Is it a new idea? No. But it's about people. Who don't wear capes...and don't re-reference pop culture.

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