Monday, April 10, 2017


I really hope no one reads this and think I've lost complete and total hope for humanity. It's not true. I cast a very cynical outlook on those I've come across as most have no consideration for others. In a sense, I make up for their lack of concern for failing manners.

There's a guy I work with who does the minimal. I constantly bag him over not caring about the job. To which be bats back...that's why I'm stressed out and he's not. Yeah...I'm pissed I have to pick up his slack. But moreso...I'd lile everyone to care what they do.

I had this conversation with another co-worker which came down to...if I HAD to work at McDonald's I would find the good in it. For a lot of people, the reason there is no pride in what they do is because job satisfaction seems to be from outside looking in. No one ever seems to see potential satisfaction from within besides the basics. "I HAVE to work to pay the mortgage" type of talk. Good look getting that mule to carry the water.

For me, I am grateful for what I do (disgusted that co-workers don't feel the same) which is...I'm doing what I care about doing and would be doing it even if they didn't pay me. In that sense, I pity the ones who suffer thru seeing it simply as a job. To me they are in Hell. So I wish they would clear the way for people who do care.

Incidentally, the worm I work with lays as low as possible to not draw unneccesaary attention upon his lack of interest. The "just tell me what to do and I'll do it" guy is an utter failure at life.

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