Thursday, April 20, 2017

Hollywood Writer's Strike

If it were up to me writers would be paid the most. Even past directors. It would encourage people to write. The incentive also entices people to read.

Goes without saying that I think writers should get whatever they want to thwart strike that could cripple us...again. Yep...back in 2007 writer's strike hobbled a ton of production. Perhaps the new thought is...reality t.v. Fine. No writers required. But now you're slowly flooding the market with product after the end of strike. Then there's no work again...they have to finish what's on the plate.

THE most aggravating thing is...these assholes in suits don't read unless it's a contract. Yes, retards who live and die by in...written words...can't get past the reading thing. Yes...most scripts are horrendous. But it's a which you pass the buck. A lover of stories will read until their eyes bulge out. And read everywhere. A good structued script stands out. A properly formatted poorly structure script stands out. What do these have in common...
The shit was written. So get a grip studio and pay the poor writers what they deserve.

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