Thursday, April 27, 2017

Walter Hill On Marc Maron

Walter Hill has a career I wish I will eventually have.
He is a writer who started off writing for Sam Peckinpah, which segued into directing badass movies like "48 Hours," "Streets Of Fire" "The Warriors" and "Johnny Handsome" to producing things like "Alien" and "Predator." Yes, a seriously prolific man!

But what struck me is that prior to me skewering this dude who I argue about constantly about what a director does, Hill confirms. Most people...think directing actors is like talking about motivation (in a movie). He believes (as I do) this is what an acting coach does. The famous story he tells is of director William Wyler (multi-Oscar nominated and holds record of most performances nominated for Oscars) being approached by a new actor wanting to get his take on a part. To which Wyler simply said "get your ass in there and be an actor." In other words, you are hired to do the role, and not be coached by the director. The material speaks for itself. Sound familiar? Yeah, it's what I've been telling this dude who is only 30...directors aren't what you think they are. To which he laments "directors aren't doing what they are anymore, it's just move here say your line, move there" (most likely a passive-aggressive kick at me). THAT'S WHAT DIRECTORS DO!! They aren't there to coach a role. Only to tell you if they go off the rail. And to remind you what scene came before and what came after. You treat them like the professionals they are, they will act like professionals. Instead...this moron likes to talk about motivation and mindset and babble on and on's frustrating to listen to this guy (I have to remind my readers, this guy has never made anything).

Bless you Walter Hill!

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