Wednesday, April 12, 2017

North Carolina To Re-Ban Same Sex Marriage

Looking to defy the Supreme Court (ya know, the law of the Union...that won the Civil War), North Carolina wants to re-ban same-sex marriage. Motherfucker, who cares?
Your state is full of idiots already. They are leaving because it's contagious. North Carolinians...are nice folk. I mean really polite and kind and nice. So it strikes me as odd that y'all would care. Instead of focusing energy on nice things, like gettin' edu-ma-cated.

If you don't like the thought of gays getting married, go ahead and ignore it. Gays make your neighborhood so much nicer. Seriously. They scare the gangs out of shitty neighborhoods in Los Angeles. They passive-aggressively drive assholes out (not literally, because they like that part of the body, as I'm told). I wouldn't survive in their me.

And it's not like more gays won't flood your town driving up that liberal agenda. Maybe that's what people are afraid of. Or having to explain to your kids that Adam and Steve not Adam and Eve were also in the bible.

I think being gay is wrong, but I'm going to go ahead and just ignore it. Win-win.

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