Tuesday, April 11, 2017

San Bernardino Shooting

A man killed a teacher (who he was dating or wife or something) and accidentally killed an 8 year old. Then he killed himself.
What was lost was the Equinox guy who was just fired and came back and killed two people. Then he was killed.

Guns, man.

I still hate guns, despite shooting them and having fun. They aren't a toy. And people really have no clue what it means to own one. With prescription drugs and mental illness getting worse, it seems having something that is literally a hair trigger within reach...an awful thing.

I'm not sure if history could ever find the details of murder suicide between Miss Hester Pritchett, school marm and Hezikiah Boylen. MAYBE being run through with a knife and then hung himself? Who knows. These are weird things to consider when guns and emotions are involved.

The most strangest reasoning...why at an elementary school. Why not ambush her somewhere else? That's between you two. The kid thing is the awful part. NOT to say she deserved to get shot, but domestic shit that goes outside your home is still YOUR problem.

And most gun idiots are saying...that's why you arm everyone. Right. Think about the person you hate the most. Would you want that fucker to have a gun?

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