Tuesday, April 11, 2017

United Airlines Drag

No..it's not people being dressed up in opposite sex garb.
It's dude who wouldn't give up his seat because the airline overbooked the flight and forced one guy to leave in a lottery.

They offered $800 and a hotel stay. You dumb motherfuckers. I would've taken that, and then ordered room service. Then threw a party to everyone that was "inconvenienced" by my delay. Guy became a big fucking pussy baby and had to be dragged out.

Entitlement, entitlement, entitlement...yep. For $300 and loose change you can be whisked in the air and think you deserve the moon. The problem with this scenario (and I am guilty of it too)...we aren't owed anything. My ex-girlfriend was a flight attendant for United Express (their jumper plane model). It sucked balls. I mean, really...being stuck in a plane full of straight jerks is awful. People are miserable. Imagine, the waitstaff at Chili's sitting next to you while you order them around. It's garbage full of garbage people.

In the ol' days, flying was a privilege. You paid a lot to fly, and people wore suits. Nowadays, forget it. Pajamas and flip flops. Are these people who you want ordering you around.

Of course the jackhole is going to sue and then they'll settle and then everyone will show their phony outrage for a guy who is probably a douche you wouldn't piss on if he were on fire.

Yesterday afternoon, one of the maintenance guy talked to me about my ceiling collapsing. And he wondered why I didn't sue. I laughed at him. Because fucking cunt rags sue over dumb shit. I was clearly in the right and most likely would've gotten a payoff (since I also documented the decline). But..BIG BUT...in my mind, suing does nothing but hurt everyone around me. Guess who has to pay his lawsuit? Other people. Call me a sucker, but guess who gets preferential treatment now when anything goes wrong? You know what I call this...consideration for other people.

This asshole in the plane who had to be dragged off. Someone had to teach him consideration, when it should've come naturally.

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