Friday, April 14, 2017

North Koreans

I don't know much about them. But if SOUTH Koreans defended their shop against the L.A. Riots then...come on...a country much more insular is going to be like pounding concrete.

The only people who really have faith in Korea happens to be its people because they've been indoctrinated with some really fucked up information. They have no other barometer to measure their lives to...MAYBE a relative sneaks in a reality show here or there, but they are, by admission, on their own.

So they come up with the concept of getting themselves a nuclear weapon. Bro, no bueno. A man who subjugates his people to believe he is God...wants to use science now to defend that title. And no one in that fucked up society realizes this.

Koreans, from my brief encounters with them in Los Angeles, are very prideful people. As are most Asians. But they are a really tough bunch. They understand survival. So, it strikes me as odd that they would want any nuclear weapon. To me...if you have a big brother like China (who has fallen for the richest of the West) to protect you, who cares if you have an arsenal. Live the rest of your life alone. But he may have a small guy complex (Napoleon). So who knows....if it were me, I'd just enjoy life living as a God to his people. But he may also be living in constant paranoia. In which case, as the cop who took the report of my stolen car said to me "imagine being a criminal and always looking over your shoulder."

The country is tiny, but it has a big heart. And Trump's approach to a tiny man isn't going to play well in the foreign stage. Unfortunately, looking like a clown isn't always Trump's concern. MAYBE, he knows when people are full of shit. He's been wrong in the past. This time, it isn't just a bad business deal though. He should really know that.

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