Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Why I Left The Left

Democrats are morons. They have zero idea what they want. Republicans are morons. They know exactly what they want. Even if it's money, which I don't care about, but they do. Most people do and won't admit it.

So why do I hate the Left so much. They're the most racist people on the planet. What?! You're crazy said the mass Left. Well, let's see...the majority of them think light brown to Black folk are too incompetent to take care of themselves. Which is why the promotion is for more free stuff and not enough "get off your fucking asses you fuckin helpless fucks." Now I understand the OCCASIONAL help. I love helping people. There isn't an American that I've ever met that would turn their backs on someone sincerely suffering. BUT free shit isn't the cure. I know, I got free shit for a while and learned my lesson fast that...I wasn't learning any fucking lessons.
Believe it or not, I've done a TON of charity work in the past. I've never sloughed off on my duty to humanity. But what it turns out to be is...most Liberals had use this as a way to shirk off guilt of...fill in the blank. Mostly it's because they went to college and got an education. I've got a Masters degree and have zero tolerance for other "college educated" people. Most consider them so smart that they hate Trump. It's never that they are willing to listen. It's that they hate Trump.
There is nothing more debilitating to the mind than the inability to absorb new information which is what the Left use to pride itself on. Heartbreaking when you consider that all they see is their own policies. For instance, the Dreamer Act. It's not that America hates immigrants. It's that they hate illegal immigrants. Whether they pay taxes or not, it's still ILLEGAL. For the Left, the spin is that we hate Mexicans. Which seems to be Trump's stance. To be honest, this is what handouts cause. Free rides cannot and will not be free. It sucks, I know. I hate it. It's hard to motivate yourself to do things when you're struggling to get by. But that's why the message of America is to dream big but work bigger/smarter. It's not to wait for some privileged college educated White person to tell you that you've been taken advantage of.
For the most part and at the ground level, most of the Mexicans I've met in Los Angeles are desperate to work. And it's inspiring, especially when I sit in my underwear too tired to finish my damn screenplay (I'm almost done). But the Democrats are pushing victimization on all my Brown and Black brothers in order to enslave them differently. My age group is too hopeful and warm hearted to realize that because the obvious answer is to just pacify homelessness and hungry with food and shelter. It's not. We're hobbling them.
This is not to say I've gone Right either. In truth, I've developed my own party system of common sense. It took me a while to get here.

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