Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Africa (the continent) and Haiti: The Shitholes

Are the Left denying that these places are shitholes?
"Oh...but what about South Africa?!"... you mean that ultra-modern world colonized by the Dutch?

Kinda a double-edged sword the Orange One put the Left in. Because if they deny it, they're idiots. If they confirm it, they're no better than him. I'm laughing as I type this because EVERY single fucking story people write to prove countries where these people come from aren't shitholes which begins with how they pieced together a boat from scraps of wood plugging it with swatches of their clothing to leave their glorious Utopia of a country to make it to the U.S. In other words, they were fleeing shitholes. Do you fucking idiots not get these stories DO NOT help. All the confirm is that they are leaving shitholes.What Trump is implying is that people from shithole countries come to America and make it a bigger shithole. Which, if you live in parts of the San Fernando Valley...he's right. The Valley use to be where older conservative celebrities lived. And pockets of warehouses where special FX work was done. Instead, now it's Tiajuana. I've been to Tiajuana, it is a scary fucking shithole. Anyone who denies it is dumber than shit. And it hasn't gotten any better. Because their government blows fucking chunks. Meanwhile our stock market is killing.
Some may ask, when my folks came to this country were they fleeing a shithole? The answer...no. My folks came from a country where they didn't believe they had better opportunities. In other words, going to America meant edging a living standard slightly above what my relatives live in today. Well manicured lawns and five bedroom house. They achieved all that and managed NOT to push around a tofu cart through the streets of Cincinnati. Meanwhile, in fucking Mexifornia, unlicensed people are openly selling hot dogs and ice cream. The ice cream truck arrogantly blasting broken chimed music around...8 fucking P.M.
Does this make me racist towards a certain group of people?
No. It gives me perspective that there is a living standard above having garbage thrown everywhere. Most LEGAL immigrants should strive NOT to bring the shithole with them. But that rarely happens now.
That is the real problem.

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