Sunday, January 7, 2018

I Didn't Watch The Golden Globes

Instead I watched Billy Wilder's "Ace In The Hole" (1951) on Movies! network. A really solid flick.
I did read up on Oprah Winfrey getting the Cecil B. Demille Award.
To which her response as to go into this MeToo movement:

“What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have,” she said. “And I’m especially proud and inspired by all the women who have felt strong enough and empowered enough to speak up and share their personal stories. Each of us in this room are celebrated because of the stories that we tell, and this year we became the story.
“But it’s not just a story affecting the entertainment industry,” she continued. “It’s one that transcends any culture, geography, race, religion, politics, or workplace. So I want tonight to express gratitude to all the women who have endured years of abuse and assault because they, like my mother, had children to feed and bills to pay and dreams to pursue.”

Hey idiot, women have been speaking up forever. How about you say..."I'm sorry I didn't listen but I knew the people who were doing it were powerful." You know what this overrated cunt did? She made it about America. Bitch, look at the fucking faces in the crowd. Do you think THEY represent America? No, stupid. And they aren't watching either. The people you truly need to point your fucking finger at is Barack Obama for taking Harvey Weinstein's money. You know, the person who continues to perpetuate Recy Taylor's assault (look it up), which you used to illustrate rednecks raping a Black woman.

Instead of thankfully talking about her career, you now...gratitude...much like Meryl Fucking Cuntbag Streep, she decides to make America the problem. The platform is about you as a dancing monkey, dummy. You make people laugh or cry. That's it.

But none of us would expect anything less, from people who supposedly come from a place of love. This MeToo, TimesUp or whatever you want to call it, isn't going to stop the abusers. You have to go deep, and I doubt once that stage light goes down, you'll give a flying shit. Go give away a car or something and leave America alone. This isn't your fucking country. This is for people who have to wake up and be forced fed your lectures and fight in the trenches only to be blamed incessantly by self-righteous sanctimonious hags. For the love of God, give the next award to a kid.

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