Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Do you consider yourself a feminist?
How would you define one?
That you consider women your equal and that they deserve equal pay for equal work?
For the most part I consider myself more feminist than people who claim they are. Here's the problem...
the people who claim to be feminist these days are sort of running counterproductive to what feminism is. I don't consider it a celebration of femininity. Fuck no. I wouldn't celebrate that. But women do. I think it's really a label for lesbians to slap onto a woman's movement so they can isolate the ones they can pick off. Nice dirty trick.
Feminism is treating women equally.
I have two sisters who I respect immensely. They do crazy chick shit, but they handle their shit. They've suffered indignities of living in Ohio as I have. I've seen my sister get some shit from Black guys when we hung out at the community centers. And she handled her shit. That is a feminist. And I've never heard her use that word.
It's an educated person's term. Most colleges champion the cause but have no clue what it really entails. It's not marches or gatherings or protests. That offers snacks. Nope. It's silently taking care of your business like you have a function in society.
Feminism isn't bullying men into doing what you want. That's what most people who claim to feminist think. That most men are the enemy. Or at least don't treat women well. Nope. Men treat women like women. That's the way it's suppose to be. We RESPECT women who don't bitch about it. Because they recognize EVERYONE is treated like shit. If you think you deserve to be treated any different, you are now wanting preferential treatment, which is vastly different than fair.
These marches for feminists do get on my nerves. Because I do believe in women's abilities. I would say I had more female friends than male. I think that would surprise people. It's because I do treat them equal. People appreciate that.

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