Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Empowerment of Racism

A lot of people have said when Trump was elected, it empowered racist to say racist shit. Isn't that like saying when Obama was elected, people started speaking jive?
Oh wait, that was racist. Because most people backtrack by saying "Obama is such a great speaker." Yeah, dumbfucks, he's a scumbag lawyer, he's suppose to convince you of his point. Trump is a dumb onion sitting on a glass throne in some New York City high rise waiting to get you out of the room.
It's really sickening when people use this opportunity to say that Trump empowered White supremacy. That's not what did it. It's when Hillary and the Left decide everyone should listen to them because they got themselves one o' dem advance degrees of skoolin'. Book smart people actually are incredibly common sense dumb. The verdict, we ALL have to function with each other. The book learn have to understand you need the people who didn't get a degree. And that's where the Left fail. They talk down to the rest of America, which happens to put less focus on formal education. They lord their pedigree. But you can't pull that shit with America. Fuck, Hillary Clinton couldn't even come to the mass unwashed and pitch her game. It was too...beneath her. Meanwhile, Trump would kiss a Black baby's ass if it meant winning in that county. He was willing to do whatever it took.
If you think about the people who keep your plumping going, roofers or construction guys, they aren't book smart in the least, but you rely on them when shit doesn't work. When you tell someone like that that they are racist for voting for Trump. Maybe shit doesn't work so well anymore in your Manhattan high rise.

The residual effect of Obama being President of the United States was that he made every person who felt marginalized the power to point their finger and call them a racist. Eventually, they stopped having to defend themselves based on the color of their own skin, and voted for Trump to make it intolerable. We have to realize, most of America isn't extreme one way or another. The minute we figure that out, the minute we longer get Obamas or Trumps.

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