Sunday, January 14, 2018

Trump Is A Bigot

As is the rest of the world. Anyone who denies this is full of shit.
And if you live in silence because of your bigotry, you're the worse.
Not that you need to express how intolerant you are, like Trump does publicly (idiot) but you need to recognize this factor. That we all have prejudices that are within us.
The idealist most likely feels you should train yourself away from such bigotry. How about you train yourself to recognize you even have it. People in denial will never repair what is there.
Color and culture between us is great! The minute you say you don't see color, I know you're full of shit. That's ALL  you see. Because when a cop shoots a suspect, the first thing a person who says "I don't see color" knows it's a Black or Brown person who got it.
I think the real reason Trump got elected is because he is like most Americans. Brutish, uncouth and uncultured. The intellectually elite (or those posing) hate him because he is that "deplorable" Hilary Clinton speaks of. Clinton's camp wave their degrees and expect to have things served to them. Most Americans I talk to don't like being seen as less intelligent because they didn't or couldn't afford college. And quite frankly, the constituents of the Left desperately need the inner city unintelligent voter to have more power. Yes, you are being used, as much as the Right need intolerant uneducated rural bumpkins.

What's the solution? There's gotta be a moment where some person comes out of the shadows and plops down on us and says "We're Americans" stop fighting among ourselves and start working together. Stop using the Oval office to sell your biography. The office belongs to America. Not Trump. Not Clinton. Americans. And we need a President strong enough to shave the assholes who think payoffs is a way to the become President. Because when you owe people, you can't get out of the circle.
In 2020, hopefully someone will finally push to the top who is some miracle person who doesn't need to impress either side. It's a near impossible task, but it seems that's what we're looking for.

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