Friday, November 3, 2017

Women Don't Know What The Fuck They Want...

...but they want a lot of it. And now.
I would say a lot of people don't know what the fuck their lives are meant for, but in women's lives, it's worse. Now that liberation has taken hold, and their sister marches have thrown unsuspecting noodle armed women into "the real world" the truth in the working world sucks. In truth (and our cro-magnon minds) women want to be protected and have others do shit for them. Who wouldn't?  But as a man, I have no issues with that. I know of many women in my lives who are the sole bread winners of their family. My guess is that their mates are colossal losers with no shame. BUT...that's what equality brings. This is the shit you fought so hard to get...being marginalized. That's what we men deal with. And there aren't no more special birthdays for you either.

Luckily, my Mom never had any predilections to those traits. That she was ever special. I bought her flowers to which she was grateful but replied flatly "live every day like it was your own birthday. Thank you for the flowers." It wasn't a cold thing, it's that she grew up being treated like a man. So simply put, women have taken themselves out of the "special" tray and now must toil. Good for some of you, horrendous for the ones who were catered to.
My biggest advice for most women is (as it would be for most men) be content to do things you enjoy doing. The bigger house, fancy cars, nice pretty dresses and so forth...that's just a waste of pomp and circumstance. If you were to be like a man, find purpose in your craft and skill. And your wit. I've met hundreds (if not thousands) of self-made women made only because they cared so deeply about something that meant something to them. Khardashians aren't your role  models. Nice people are. And because you serve your family, doesn't make you subservient.

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