Thursday, November 9, 2017

Boston Radio DJ Michael Felger

This DJ went on the air and said plane accident death of former pro baseball pitcher Roy Halladay "got what he deserved."
I mean, technically, we're all gonna die in some way. And we're all going to deserve it.
People went apeshit over this statement. Because it's most likely incredibly insensitive so close to the accident.
The guy was flying like an idiot and he most likely took one too many chances. It reminded me of a guy who was the judge of a small town. My folks knew him from their restaurant and he'd invited us out to his ranch to ride horses. Midway through the tour of his palatial ranch, he offered to drive me into town in a beat up Chevy Surburban. This fucker drove like an insane person. He was the judge of the town, no one was gonna fuck with him. We took hills at speeds no one should ever do. Then when we got back, my folks were wondering why I was so quiet. I was ghost white with fear. He was laughing like a retard. Because it's thrills that we look for.
Correction, that White rich people look for. And then they die. And we get upset that we blame someone for finding thrills.
I'll go on record to say Halladay died doing what he loved, acting like an idiot.
Sorry folks, there are easier ways to not put yourself in harms way. Like...doing ANYTHING else besides flying your own plane.

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