Thursday, November 2, 2017

Kevin Spacey: Redux

Look, the guy was never charged with anything, but the world wants to blast him for something he may not have done. If only to stick it to self-righteous Hollywood. I say, get off this fucking back. For now.

The other thing is...Spacey should just lay low and out of the spotlight for a while. Or disappear to a different country (try Greece). Which is what I would do, had I been outed for propositioning a child. Deviants are scary, because they don't seem to think they did anything wrong. In this case, run Spacey run. Like far and fast, because you know it will only get worse. Speaking of which, whatever happened to that assault case against carpet head John Travolta. You know the one where he was accused of asking for a tug-job from male masseuses?
Another case of everyone is talking but no one is listening. Unfortunately for Travolta, I remember stupid things like this so I can tell the people who are in the dark. He's another one of those Hollywood secrets kept in the cellar due to..."Saturday Night Fever"???! Out this guy already and move on with life. It just sucks that he took Kelly Preston as a beard. Man, she's smoking hot. My guess, she was sexually assaulted by someone in Hollywood and hates men forever. She links up with a gay What a waste.
I wonder what the odds are now for that little pixie-ish Scientologist we all love to hate.
Guys...take your money and run.

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