Sunday, November 5, 2017

Alec Baldwin

I have no beef with Baldwin. In fact I encourage everyone to listen to his podcast "Here's The Thing." He has fascinating guest and some I really can't stand but still listen to (Barbra Streisand). He's quick and to the point, and seems like a very metropolitan dude. He also blasts Trump and conservatives. He's getting a dose of Leftist hate from Rose McGowan and her army lately when he went on PBS and talked about how he didn't know that McGowan was paid off for her silence about her rape. That if you take the money and stay silent, you are essentially condoning that guy from doing it to others. Okay, NOT condoning but allowing it to move forward.
The women blew the fuck up. One responded by telling Baldwin that we should blame the men who coerce women to take the money. Versus what? Not having a career in movies? What's really shaking out now is that...the case of Rose McGowan has weaken BECAUSE she took the money, instead of being strong and courageous. The brave person would throw that money into someone's face and storm out of the office. She didn't do that. Which is what Baldwin was implying. And I don't think it started to be a problem until McGowan started to distance herself from all men. Which is where Baldwin's statement that she shouldn't paint all men with the same brush.
You know, like how Baldwin paints all Trump supporters with...a different brush? C'mon dude. The girl was raped. IF I were to give a statement to PBS (and Baldwin is leaps and bounds smarter than me in media relations) I would say something like "it was awful that Rose was paid for her silence. If you think about it, what was the other option? She loses her career or gets kicked off the island? She was cornered. What would you do against an industry giant who has all the lawyers in their pocket? That they essentially bought all of the insiders. We're all to blame for the silence. Because we all knew and didn't have the courage to stand in her corner."
Think about how you would feel if Weinstein had his arm around the president of the United States. Who would believe her?
But that would be looking deep within your party lines and accepting that you all failed.

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