Thursday, November 9, 2017

Don't Think You're Too Cool

A really brilliant actor (whom, if I name here wouldn't know who he was) said that the opposite of good acting isn't bad acting, it's being cool. Which I think it translates to filmmaking too. I think I'm too cool for school sometimes. Heh heh heh. My directing friend is a cornball. I have no qualms telling him this. To he brightly accepts my assessment with such joy it makes him a bigger cornball. He makes good movies.

I'll be the first to admit that my directing skills are lacking. Not that I have to manipulate or bend actors to what I want, but rather...sometimes when things don't play out in my head the way I hear things on paper, there is a certain disappointment that hits me. And I freeze. I have to piece a lot of it together in my head. Like how is this suppose to sound? It's tempo based. Right now, my brain has a skip rhythm in it that may prohibit me from further episodes (handing off to others).

This is actually the first time I've collaborated on a script that is based in a stylized dialogue that isn't the easiest to spit out. Like Harrison Ford said in "Star Wars" just because it is on a page doesn't mean that's how people talk. And I'm learning a great deal. Because this is such a stylized project that I'm's a scary line to toe. If you don't go far enough, it becomes odd. But if you scale back, it gets back into a more realistic world.

Fortunately there is a bigger picture that I can't reveal here. Which is why the characters do speak...oddly (is that a word). In this particular episode, it won't make much sense until it gets to the bigger picture. It's really fun letting things unfold, in terms of finding character, having the mood switch. I know most people aren't going to understand the bigger picture...yet. Are going to be confused and angry and I know it's a cop-out to say that now, but I'm really having a great time piecing it together.
But I also have to be held accountable for my talent and key crew getting something out of it. Again, it is a VERY thin ledge to be walking on.
I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't.

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