Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Name Names!!

Okay, now Hollywood has an opportunity to right the ship. How? Name fucking names and get those assholes out. I don't give a fuck how big those names are, I want to see these dickheads who were so high and mighty...squirm. Because I knew some of them and want to see it happen.

What joy it is to ruin someone's career based on their arrogance that they are untouchable. That would mean flushing out the Academy of these offenders, instead of awarding them. In this case, it would cleanse this town of true guilt.
But what kind of movies would we have then? Nothing worse than what I've been seeing lately. How would an actress do a nude scene now? People go to movies to see juggs and explosions. How will things change in terms of pushing art to the limit without suggesting to a mental actress that it requires flaunting sexuality. Good luck with that.
Now, the director is more and more removed from the process. Because here's what it is...
"Um...we need to shoot the sexy nude shot...um..please"
"Weinstein!!! Get your fuckin' Weinstein hands offa' me!"


Just give us the names of all the men in Hollywood who pawed you bitches. If not just to know who the scumbag is.

Out these assholes and give us some real entertainment. I say Alan Cumming. Just kidding.

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