Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Casting Couch

Harvey Weinstein, you dumb motherfucker...I got into the film business to get tail, and've ruined it. Like straight up fucked all of us ugly, wild haired gristly fucks. Because you got greedy.

The problem with Hollywood...power met beauty.
If today's outrage existed in 1950...ugly short pervy agent Johnny Hyde would've never banged Marilyn Monroe.

A TON of these women would actually bang the hairy meatball for a role in a movie.

Now all these actresses are coming out and giving their own account of Harvey mashing on them. And to be honest, the stories seem (aside from the no-names) sort of a poor dorks way of flirting. Like "hey I got these scripts over here...and I got my schvantz here." That's lame beyond words. And actually...these are stories you could laugh at. In the movie business (to be clear). In the real way Jose. Because the real world is corporate and doesn't have stunningly hot women throwing themselves at you.

True story...when I was in college and was about to do my movie, I met a girl in my color photography class. Stunning green eyes. I asked her to be in my movie. To which she said she didn't ask, and thought I was corny. Eventually we became friends and then dated. I just thought she was beautiful. And I had balls then.

A LOT of us went into the movie business to meet girls. But NOT assault them. Certainly not jerk it into a potted plant. There are too many in rotation. Harvey's dumb because the thing is...he probably should've just stuck with the ones who were willing. Like his wife (who has now said she is leaving him.
To be clear...he is rape and assault. I was just a well-wisher.
The scariest part about this entire thing is the silence. You can be ruined in a business you desperately want to crack. To actresses coming into is a reality. There will be women who will get that role because they are willing to do whatever it takes. And you will never know. The dangerous thing is the absolute power Harvey actually had. What if, back in the day, these women spoke up. No one would believe them, they are whores anyway, and their lawyers would ruin them. That is the real fear.

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