Wednesday, October 4, 2017

"Honest Man: The Life of Robert Budd Dwyer" (2010)

I saw a fascinating documentary last night about that man who committed suicide on live television. You can go on YouTube an still see the footage. Which is gruesome to see a man...fall apart. Another reason why...when you think about that mass shooter in Las Vegas, you don't need a big push, just one where people have lost complete faith in humanity. This flick is somewhat an agenda to clear the man's name. Even though, when I first saw this transpire, I felt it was some scumbag politician who deserved it.

The doc is the life of a man who was accused of a crime, in hindsight...well you have to be the judge. But what is much more fascinating is how the press handled itself. This is mid-late 80s when this occurred. What we see is a man who saw no other way to get out of the pain he dealt with, in terms of what he thought he was in, and what is the reality. The reality is that government is a LOT about playing nice with others or they will find ways to get you. And crush you. This hasn't changed since time. But put a Jimmy Stewart-type in this cesspool and you realize that not everything survives that vacuum. What I got from this doc was an insight into our perception.
I recall watching this video over a decade ago about journalistic responsibility. To show the last minutes of a man's life or not is a morbid fascination. Is it relevant to the story. The conclusion is clear and obvious. Also, by airing, you are showing the harsh reality of life and death to children. Which is traumatic. These are the questions that, had Dwyer (and his wife brings up) killed himself in any other way, would he be historically relevant. The other point being...that when your life spirals into chaos, there is very little even your immediate family could ever know (very very relevant now). Dwyer's family is interviewed in a heartbreaking retelling of the morning before this tragic press conference. It's excruciating to his family, because...we realize the truth was on his side. He didn't feel this way. And I won't give it away, because you should watch it, but this moment is made MUCH more tragic given that it became unnecessary.

Politics haven't changed all that much in over 40 years. Mis-communication and graft are STILL prevalent. And you fuck with the wrong person, it could lead to this awful end. If you happen to be an honest person.

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