Monday, October 16, 2017

Me Too!

Alyssa Milano posted that mass women should get together and message out "me too!" in solidarity with so many women who have been sexually assaulted. I suppose this could include men as well. Like Terry Crews.

Hollywood is so silly. Sexual assault of women have gone on campuses, work places, your mom's house for...oh...since the beginning of time. So it cracks me up every time these asshats get pinched for a crime, it's EVERYONE'S problem. Not really. Corporations kill that shit fast. And not one pussyhat'd man-hater marched for any of this shit. Ashley Judd spouted off about bullying. When the bully was in her backyard. Didn't mentioned him, didya' Judd. Because of the agenda, and the spotlight do we even hear about these things, unless you're in the movie business. Is anyone surprised? Nope. In fact, it's comedy to a lot of people.

The #MeToo shit is corny. Because it's Milano and her cronies eating their own. Your own people were the monsters, but we're to blame. That's as self-righteous shit as you can imagine. Think about it for a minute...these actresses who were molested and raped by a Leftist think we're the problem.
Keep on being nuts, Hollywood. It's really the only thing that's remotely entertaining coming out of there at this point.

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