Monday, March 14, 2016

Trucker Movies

The Van Man, Ja 'Red and I took a peep at trucker movies this weekend.

It got me's weird, between the years of 1978 to 1979 (sic) there were a massive influx of trucker movies.
"Breaker! Breaker!"
"High Ballin'"
"Coast to Coast"
"Truck Stop Women"
"Big Rig Truckers"
"White Line Fever"
"Truck to Truckin' Truck Truck"

I made the last one up, but you get the idea. Also, what the fuck is up with using trucks to do the most menial of tasks? It's like a truck being the extension of a finger point. Need a window open? Honk honk! How about a beer cracked? Honk hooooooonk! Kids getting out of hand? Honk honk!!

By the way, 90% of the movies mentioned, Jerry Reed did the soundtrack. I guess the open road carries many a good story. Mostly about running your truck through things.


  1. Damn right. Let's make a movie called "The Last of The Rig Men". It'll use The smash hit theme song "T'aint Nothin' Left In The Tank, But My Heart".

    1. as long as we can use the truck to run through diners, or ...I'm in.
