Friday, March 4, 2016

How Much Is In Your Checking Account...On Average

It's an odd question, as most people fluctuate between the bills going out and money coming in. I think I tend to panic when it dips below a certain level because contingency is always a concern. I'm constantly curious as to how people can keep a surplus of money...oh, to do what they like. But when bills go out, it seems you bleed more than you get a transfusion.

I was surprise to learn that I was a slight bit above the average bank account balance. I guess there's no real set number, but realize that...Americans tend to live a little bit out of their means. I do my best to streamline, even though, even at the most basic, it's still a stretch. Car insurance, rent, utilities, food...shit, I don't buy clothes, so that's that. But EVERYTHING adds up. The fact that I use to have my meals supplied by my company shaved $300/month off my bills. Without it...even if I did half, it still cuts into other things.

I can't imagine having to support a wife and kids. There's obviously a standard people must live at. I also have a savings I toss money into, so I do have retirement, and a little money set aside for other things. My sister mentioned that the fact that I pay for all those things, solidifies that I am an adult. Though not owning property and having health issues makes me feel old adult. Headaches, neck pains, it all adds up.

Don't be too down on yourself if you don't meet the average. Chances are, you are living on a needs basis rather than a want basis.

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